Monday, September 30, 2019

Lesson Plan for Social Studies Class Grades 9-12

UnitSocial Studies:   The Civil War — Emancipation ExperienceObjectiveThrough this lesson, the students will be able to:  1. Given a particular situation, recognize the period of history portrayed following the inquiry period.  2.   Given a particular scenario, distinguish groups after the inquiry period.  3.   Study and come into contact with changeable emotions of every group.  4.   Examine and differentiate the differences in the lifestyle of every group.  5.   Assume/imagine and identify with what life was like for Americans during that period.RationaleHardly any event in mankind can measure up to the damage and destruction of war.   However, nearly every generation of man cannot break away from its ongoing reality. Our country has also had its won share of experiences of war. Ever since our origin, with the American Revolutionary War, our country has already been at war.   In addition, in our 200 plus years of survival there was one war that cannot be matched up to to any other war when measured in terms of devastation and American loss of lives — the American Civil War.   Just like any civil war there is no winner- just a loser, as losses on both sides make up the entire loss of that nation.   This lesson will try to look at the changes that occurred in the lives of Americans that were the outcome of this catastrophic war.Therefore, the rationale of this inquiry lesson is to provide students an affective encounter of the pre and post American Civil War incident on Americans- both Whites and Blacks (or northerners and southerners).ContentGroup activity using charts and internalizing the role of each groups involved in the Civil War.Procedures1.   By means of random, divide class into three (3) groups- A, B, C according to size.Group A (Slaves)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1/4 of classGroup B (S. Whites)   1/4 of classGroup C (N. Whites)   1/2 of classNote:   Don’t inform the class what every group stand f or.2.   Then instruct every member to name themselves utilizing a marker and a piece of tape.   It must be visible.3.   Move desks apart from each other and split the classroom in half.   Break up the room by means of putting tape on the floor.   Area I will be shared by Groups A and B.   Next, move desks so that 1/4 of area I is free of desks and chairs and then put newspapers on the floor.   This area must be surrounded with tape.  4.   Next, show Chart I to all the groups and inform them regarding each group's location, food allotment, and movement as shown below:Chart IGroup  Ã‚   Location  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Food Allotted  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   MovementA  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sit on newspapers  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Plate of broken crackers  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   NoneB  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sit on chair in area I or II  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Plate of whole crackers  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Full (everywhere in the      classroomC  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sit on chair in area I or II  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Plate of whole crackers     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Full (everywhere in the  classroom)  5.   Start conducting Part I for a period of 5-10 minutes.   Guide groups to their own location, their capability to move without restraint or none at all, and provide every group either whole or broken crackers on a plate to be shared with that group.   Allow member of just groups B and C speak without restraint to one another.   But let every group speak to each other.  6.   End Part I.   Show Chart II to the class, which contain as follows:Chart IIGroup  Ã‚   Location Food Allotted      MovementA  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chairs      Plate of broken crackers  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Shaded areaB  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chairs       Plate of broken crackers  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Area I onlyC  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chairs       Plate of whole crackers  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Area II only7.   After showing Chart II, direct the class to start conducting Part II for a period of five (5) minutes. At this time, movement or talking between groups B and C is prohibited since they should stay put in their particular areas (I or II). Then, take out 1/2 the members from group B and put them into a neutral corner where they would not be able to eat, speak, or move from their chairs.8.   End Part II.   After the Part II activity, show Chart III explain to the class as follows:Chart IIIGroup  Ã‚   Location         Food Allotted  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   MovementA  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chairs                  Plate of whole crackers  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   FullB  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chairs                  None   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   FullC  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chairs                  Plate of whole crackers  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Full9.   After showing chart III, you can start conducting Part III for a period of five (5) minutes.   Guide students just like what was done in Part I and Part II consistent with what is instructed in Chart III.   Remove the shaded area.   Do away with all tape placed on the floor.   The groups can now freely move.   But, Group B merely receives broken crackers.10.     End Part III and the whole activity.   Arrange the room to bring it back to its original order.MaterialsMasking tape, pen markers, chart paper/chalk board, newspapers, 5 packages saltines/crackers, and 3 paper plates.AssessmentAt the end of the activity, ask the students the following questions to assess their feelings and reactions about the act ivity:1.  Ã‚   What can you say about this activity? Did you like it? If yes, why? If no, why not?2.   How did you feel about being in Group A, B, or C?3.   In your opinion, how did the groups differ from each other?4.   What do you think was the best group to be in?   How about the worst group to be in?5.   What primary event in American History did this simulation describe?Answer:   The American Civil War.  6.   Who do you think did each group stand for?Answer:   Group A. represented the Black SlavesGroup B symbolized the White SouthernersGroup C stood for the White Northerners7.   What do you think did the headings in the charts symbolized?Answer:   Location (floor or chairs) represented social statusFood Alloted (either whole or broken crackers) symbolized economic statusMovement (either full or restrained) symbolized political status8.   In your opinion, what did Parts I, II, III stood for?Answer:   Part I stood for the Pre Civil War periodPart II. r epresented the Civil War era  Part III represented the Post Civil War period9.   Consistent with the headings of the charts and what they symbolized, what can you say or notice about every group?Example:   Compared to Groups B & C, Group A was instructed to sit on the floor  Ã‚  Ã‚   symbolizing a lower social status, they also had to eat broken crackers representing a lower economic status, and were just limited to move in a particular area. Thus, Group A stood for the Black Slaves of the South.   The, take note of the change in Group's A status from Part I to Part III depicting the changes from the Pre to the Post Civil War period.Meanwhile, for Group B, in Part I, they were instructed to sit on chairs and eat whole crackers and also to move freely. Hence, it can be said that these activities symbolized good, economic, social, and political status.   Nevertheless, in Part II they had be restricted to move outside of Area I since battle lines were established between th e North and South. .Moreover, the South survived extreme devastation and destruction since most of the war happened there.   This was represented when half of the group was pulled out and placed into a neutral area.   Then, in Part III, social and political status were recovered as movement was not restricted and chairs were utilized.   But their economic status turned negative, as symbolized by broken crackers because it experienced devastation and destruction of its factories and cities.   Moreover, due to the closure of plantations and freedom of slaves, agriculture transformed and changed drastically.Then for Group C, all throughout the three parts (I, II, & III), they enjoyed good economic, political, and social status since the war happened on southern soil thus the northern property was not destroyed.Rubric:Group Learning ActivityRubric A: ProcessExceptional Admirable Acceptable Amateur  Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Amateur Group Participation Every member activ ely participate At least  ¾ of the members enthusiastically participate At least half of the members share their ideas Only one or two members enthusiastically participate Shared Responsibility Responsibility for task is equally shared among members Most group members share the responsibility Only  ½ of the group members share the responsibility The members depend only one member Quality of Interaction Members display excellent leadership and listening skills;   in their discussions, members display awareness   and knowledge of other's ideas and opinions s During interaction, members exhibit   adeptness; active  discussion and interaction focuses on the task  Members display some capability to interact; members listen attentively; there is some proof of discourse or  alternativeThere is only little interaction; members converse briefly; some  students show disinterest Roles within the Group every member was assigned a  distinctly specified role; the  group memb ers execute  roles successfully and effectively every member was assigned a  role, however, roles are not clearly  specified or systematically  followed.Members were given roles to perform, however, roles were not  consistently followed.  No effort was shown to assign roles to every group member ReferencesCommager, H.   (1982). The Story of the Civil War as Told by Participants.   Fairfax Press,   Ã‚  Ã‚   1982.Jasmine, J. (1993) Portfolios and Other Assessments. California: Teacher Created   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Materials.Rubistar.   Create Your Rubric.   Retrieved April 29, 2006 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   http://rubistar.4teachers.orgSass, E.   Social Studies Lesson Plans and Resources.   Retrieved April 29, 2006 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Interactive Session: Running the Business from the Palm

Chapter 1 Interactive Session: Organizations: Running the Business from the Palm of Your Hand Case Study Questions 1. What kinds of applications are described here? What business functions do they support? How do they improve operational efficiency and decision making? Email, messaging, social networking, and sales force management are described in this case study. The applications support business functions including collaboration, location-based services, and communications with colleagues.These applications improve operational efficiency and decision making by allowing people to communicate from wherever they are. They are no longer tethered to one place or one machine. They can receive information and data instantaneously which allows them to make better, faster decisions. In the case of Doylestown Hospital, doctors use iPhone applications to access medical reference applications, giving them a broader base of information on which to base decisions. 2. Identify the problems that businesses in this case study solved by using mobile digital devices.TCHO Chocolate solved some of its operational and production problems by using iPhone apps to remotely log into each chocolate-making machine, control time and temperature, turn the machines on and off, and receive alerts about when to make temperature changes. The company owner remotely views several video cameras that show how the TCHO Flavor Lab is doing. Company employees exchange photos, email, and text messages via iPhone apps. GE’s employees use iPhone and iPad apps that help them find patterns and trends in large volumes of data that may help alert them to problems before they become serious enough to affect customers or suppliers.Monitoring apps let managers zoom in from a global map to a specific transformer and read key performance indicators at any time. Dow Corning managers analyze real-time data from core corporate systems including sales figures, trends, and projections, using mobile handheld devices. â€Å"In 15 seconds I can get a sense of whether there’s a financial performance issue I need to get involved with,† said Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Don Sheets. Sunbelt Rentals combined multiple systems and databases into a single package for its sales teams.Rather than accessing several different computer systems for information, sales agents receive combined information from corporate point-of-sale systems, inventory control and management systems, and enterprise systems, for a truly integrated view of business functions. SAP’s Business One mobile application sends alerts on specific events to sales managers, giving them real-time information about deviations from approved discounts, inventory availability, and in-stock products. 3. What kinds of businesses are most likely to benefit from equipping their employees with mobile digital devices such as iPhones, iPads, and BlackBerrys?Any business with a need to communication wit h customers, suppliers, and business colleagues can benefit from equipping employees with mobile digital devices. Student answers will vary as they relate their own experiences and knowledge of using mobile digital devices. Try to encourage the students’ creativity and imagination with this question. Here are a couple examples: Insurance companies: claims adjusters or agents writing new policies or updating old ones, can take pictures of property as-is or that’s been damaged, update data on the condition of a property, and document property damage for claims processing.Real estate agents: can take pictures of homes for sale and send to prospective buyers, send information to other agents or prospective buyers and sellers, answer questions, and complete documents related to buying and selling property. Winemakers: can receive up-to-date weather forecasts, track crop information via GPS coordinates, store and access data on crop varieties for later analysis, track employ ee productivity during harvest time, take pictures of crops to include in a database, and communicate with suppliers and customers. 4. One company deploying iPhones has said, â€Å"The iPhone is not a game changer, it’s an industry changer.It changes the way that you can interact with your customers and with your suppliers. † Discuss the implications of this statement. First and foremost, those that effectively and efficiently deploy mobile digital device technology gain a huge competitive advantage over those who do not use the technology to stay in constant touch with customers and suppliers. Sales and Marketing can take a hit by not having access to information that can close business deals faster and more efficiently. Costs can increase without the ability to contact suppliers and track product shipments, especially for those companies who use just-in-time supply chains.Interactive Session: Technology: UPS Competes Globally with Information Technology Case Study Qu estions 1. What are the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS’s package tracking system? Inputs: The inputs include package information, customer signature, pickup, delivery, time-card data, current location (while en route), and billing and customer clearance documentation. Processing: The data are transmitted to a central computer and stored for retrieval. Data are also reorganized so that they can be tracked by customer account, date, driver, and other criteria.Outputs: The outputs include pickup and delivery times, location while en route, and package recipient. The outputs also include various reports, such as all packages for a specific account or a specific driver or route, as well as summary reports for management. 2. What technologies are used by UPS? How are these technologies related to UPS’s business strategy? Technologies include handheld computers (DIADs), barcode scanning systems, wired and wireless communications networks, desktop computers, UPSâ€℠¢s central computer (large mainframe computers), and storage technology for the package delivery data.UPS also uses telecommunication technologies for transmitting data through pagers and cellular phone networks. The company uses in-house software for tracking packages, calculating fees, maintaining customer accounts and managing logistics, as well as software to access the World Wide Web. UPS has used the same strategy for over 90 years. Its strategy is to provide the â€Å"best service and lowest rates. † One of the most visible aspects of technology is the customer’s ability to track his/her package via the UPS Web site.However, technology also enables data to seamlessly flow throughout UPS and helps streamline the workflow at UPS. Thus, the technology described in the scenario enables UPS to be more competitive, efficient, and profitable. The result is an information system solution to the business challenge of providing a high level of service with low prices in t he face of mounting competition. 3. What strategic business objectives do UPS’s information systems address? †¢ Operational excellence: UPS has maintained leadership in small-package delivery services despite stiff competition from FedEx and the U. S.Postal System by investing heavily in advanced information technology. †¢ New products, services, and business models: In June 2009 UPS launched a new Web-based Post Sales Order Management System (OMS) that manages global service orders and inventory for critical parts fulfillment. The system enables high-tech electronics, aerospace, medical equipment, and other companies anywhere in the world that ship critical parts to quickly assess their critical parts inventory, determine the most optimal routing strategy to meet customer needs, place orders online, and track parts from the warehouse to the end user. Customer and supplier intimacy: Customers can download and print their own labels using special software provided by UPS or by accessing the UPS Web site. UPS spends more than $1 billion each year to maintain a high level of customer service while keeping costs low and streamlining its overall operations. †¢ Improved decision making: Special software creates the most efficient delivery route for each driver that considers traffic, weather conditions, and the location of each stop. UPS estimates its delivery trucks save 28 million miles and burn 3 million fewer gallons of fuel each year as a result of using this technology.To further increase cost savings and safety, drivers are trained to use â€Å"340 Methods† developed by industrial engineers to optimize the performance of every task from lifting and loading boxes to selecting a package from a shelf in the truck. †¢ Competitive advantage: UPS is leveraging its decades of expertise managing its own global delivery network to manage logistics and supply chain activities for other companies. Its Supply Chain Solutions division pro vides a complete bundle of standardized services to subscribing companies at a fraction of what it would cost to build their won systems and infrastructure. . What strategic business objectives do UPS’s information systems address? UPS invests heavily in information systems technology to make its business more efficient and customer oriented. It uses an array of information technologies including barcode scanning systems, wireless networks, large mainframe computers, handheld computers, the Internet, and many different pieces of software for tracking packages, calculating fees, maintaining customer accounts, and managing logistics. You may want to highlight how UPS has had to change and adapt to new technologies to remain competitive. . What would happen if UPS’s information systems were not available? Arguably, UPS might not be able to compete effectively without technology. If the technology were not available, then UPS would, as it has through most of its history, a ttempt to provide that information to its customers, but at higher prices. From the customers’ perspective, these technologies provide value because they help customers complete their tasks more efficiently. Customers view UPS’s technology as value-added services as opposed to increasing the cost of sending packages.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Medical Marijuana: Good or Bad?

On April 14, 2011, I read an article in the New York Times that read Pat Robertson Questions Prison for Pot Convictions. (Shear) The article had caught my eye because of who Pat Robertson is and how you wouldn’t think he would be for the legalization of Marijuana. I would have to agree with what Pat goes on to say and how I feel a lot of it makes sense. â€Å"I’m not exactly for the use of drugs, don’t get me wrong, but I just believe that criminalizing marijuana, criminalizing the possession of a few ounces of pot, that kind of thing, it’s just, it’s costing us a fortune and it’s ruining young people,† Mr. Robertson said. Young people go into prisons; they go in as youths and come out as hardened criminals. That’s not a good thing. † That is what Pat Robertson, the televangelist who once ran for president, said on his show â€Å"The 700 Club† while mentioning how thought marijuana being legalized can be a good thin g. I am a 41 year old wife and mother who has had her fair share of life experiences. My past experiences include using marijuana from time to time when I was younger. I never became an avid user and only remember having a good time when I used. I distinctively remember how its effects relaxed me more and put me more at ease. Unfortunately, prison and jail are also in my past experiences and that’s where I have to agree with Mr. Robertson and what he says in this article. I do believe that people being put in jail and prisons for minor marijuana charges is doing nothing but costing us millions in dollars in prosecuting them and subjecting these people to offenders who are there for much more dangerous offenses. My marijuana use and jail time had nothing to do with one another. I was sentenced for something wrong that I had done and was rightfully sentenced for that crime. I took it very serious and did what needed to be done to get back home and start over. If it’s not taken seriously and it’s not used as a positive stepping stone it can be very easy to get caught up with the wrong people and negative drama that jail brings and the bad things good people can learn and take with them when released. Each year, some 750,000 Americans are arrested for possession of small amounts of marijuana. Is that really what we want our police force to focus on? I am not a Cannabis activist, but the real truth is, I would much rather have pot in bars than alcohol any day. I am so tired of the fights that break out or all the DUI’s that people get all the time. In most my research, I haven’t found any real statistics on how marijuana poses the same result? Alcohol, which can cause one to become violent and even cause death does not compare with marijuana, where one can’t OD or cause death by over-intoxication. A spokesperson for Mr. Robertson goes on to say that Mr. Robertson did not intend to suggest support for the legalization of marijuana, but rather to question the severity of how our government punishes those who use or possess a small amount of the drug. Sarah Palin, who is against the legalization of marijuana, has said how she feels that our police force shouldn’t spend a lot of time hunting down these offenders. The drug policy that our government currently holds also plays a significant role in creating crime and empowering gangs. â€Å"The only groups that benefit from continuing to keep marijuana illegal are the violent gangs and cartels that control its distribution and reap immense profits from it through the black market†. That is what a group of current and former police officers, judges, and prosecutors wrote last month in an open letter to voters in California. Kristof) I would have to agree with that statement wholeheartedly. I strongly feel that if marijuana was legalized it would cease some of the violent and criminal activity in society. Legalizing marijuana for medical use is a huge debate within Americans and our government here in the United States. There are 15 states that allow medical marijuana to be distributed legally to its consumers. Here is a list of some of the medical issues that can be helped by the use of marijuana: * Pain Relief ( all types of Pain one might have) * Increases appetite (Cancer) * Decreased Nausea (AIDS/Cancer) Muscle relaxation (Multiple Sclerosis/Epileptic Seizures) * Enhances mood and senses (Depression and anxiety) * Encourages drowsiness and sleep (Multiple Sclerosis, Depression, Cancer and more) These are only some of the many medical issues that can be improved and benefited by the medicinal use of Marijuana. (Uddin/Hurd) After reading all the great ways marijuana can help someone when suffering from a medical problem makes you wonder why more states haven’t joined in on legalizing it. There is more evidence in backing up the pro than the con side of this litigation. I now want to introduce to you, Don Lisk, 57, and Sarah Baugh, both from Montana and both being prescribed medical marijuana for medicinal purposes, tell us of their experiences. In short, Don suffers from chronic back pain he has had for 20 years and tells us marijuana dulls the back pain enough to let him sleep better at night. He also says how pot takes the edge off the pain and he doesn’t suffer the withdrawal he experiences with the opiates such as Lortab. Sarah Baugh, 25, of Billings suffered 12 seizures a day while taking 14 medications that cost $2,000 a month. By using marijuana, she weaned herself off most of her medications and now takes just a small dose of anti-seizure medication. Baugh trimmed her drug costs from $2,000 to less than $600 a month. She dropped 150 pounds, lost the tremors and seizures. (weedblog. com) I have come to find out that marijuana can be used to produce green fuel for autos. How, because of its root structure, it makes the best erosion control. The oils from the seeds can be great for cooking. Just some other ways that marijuana can benefit within our society. I strongly agree that medical marijuana should be legalized and I also agree that marijuana use can be made safe and profitable for all parties involved. The economy would benefit by adding revenue and tax money. By providing it in a safe and regulated way it benefits those who need medical relief, and last but not least it would benefit society by allowing police to concentrate on more violent crimes and criminal activity. The only true losers to the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana are those who stand to make great deals of money from the illegal sales of pot and the transportation of it into the United States.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research - Essay Example In addition, he illustrates that conservatives do not have the right to implement their religious beliefs on another group of people. The 14th amendment can be used to protect gay marriage and the conservatives do not base their arguments against gay marriage on any legal concepts or founding principles of the country. Kellard also argues against the fact that people are against children being educated about gay marriages at school (n.p). He states that this is not protecting them as they will be exposed to this information at some point in their lives. Kellard states that the notion that gay marriage is against the constitution of marriage is wrong as the main reason people get married is for love (n.p). On the other hand, many people are against the legalizing of gay marriages. This group of individuals considers the act as unnatural and incompatible to society. Per Springg stated that the advocates for gay marriage are unaware of the long term implications that exist with legalizing gay marriages (n.p). Some of these effects would include the teaching of homosexual marriage in public schools. This would directly influence the mentality of children in schools and affect societal norms. Many of these children will be led towards gay marriage as it would be something new. Hence, this threatens religious liberties and many religions would be persecuted and condemned for opposing gay marriage. The other impacts would be on the increase in the number of divorces and a reduction in the number of heterosexual marriages. This would also result in the denial of either a mother or a father for many children who are raised in these families. Since homosexuals are incapable of reproduction phy siologically, there would be a decrease in the birth rate which will affect the dynamics of the population in the country. In addition, other people such as polygamists would also raise the point that they are allowed to marry multiple

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Limitations of Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Limitations of Freedom - Essay Example This answer will consist of the advantages first, then the disadvantages of being a field slave or house servant. House servants had several advantages. They generally had to do house chores, which were hard, but not dangerous. These chores included, but not limited to, cleaning, dusting, washing, cooking, childcare, and planting gardens for the household’s use. A household servant might have the advantage of eating better than a field slave. They were required to remain cleaner than a field slave. In the wintertime, a house servant was protected somewhat more than a field hand from the weather. Yet, they also had chores outside, such as gathering wood, drawing water, and shoveling snow, but it was not constantly like a field hand. The biggest advantage for a house servant was the opportunity to learn (Kelley and Lewis, 142). When watching young white children, they could play school. Other ways to learn would be if a progressive master allowed a favorite slave the right to read. In the fields, slaves had no opportunity to learn anything but fieldwork or trades. Field slaves had the advantage of being away from whites continuously. Although a white overseer would be in place, but an overseer could supervise hundreds of slaves or have many acres to cover in a day. The best advantage of being a field slave was the opportunity to learn a trade. Field slaves were counted on to fulfill not only all planting, but the maintenance on a farm or in a household. Masonry, carpenters, animal caretaker, and other trades were open to the field slaves. The disadvantages to both types of slaves outnumber the advantages. One disadvantage was house servants came into closer contact with whites. Kelley and Lewis explain â€Å"This meant everything from assignment to petty jobs to insults, spontaneous angry whippings, and sexual assaults†

Mamikon's Calculus Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mamikon's Calculus - Research Paper Example II. Description of Mamikon’s Approach Mamikon’s method utilized shapes in order to get his points across about the ways that calculus could be approached. According to Pritchard (2003), Mamikon Mnatsakanian came up with a visual method of solving calculus utilizing shapes, which befuddled the Soviets; later on, he got his Ph.D. in physics (pp. 38). Of course, giving students linear and curved objects would be just one way to demonstrate how a calculus problem is set up. According Tom Apostol and Mamikon Mnatsakanian’s article in Haunsperger (2007), â€Å"For centuries mathematicians have been interested in curves that can be constructed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pp. 120). Mamikon’s idea was that if young people—even very young children—could use manipulatables in order to see how shapes can form and change based on volume or linear adjustments, they would be able to innately understand principles that come directly from calculus. In this regard, it is so important to have exposure to complex math problems as early as possible in order to stimulate a child’s mind. This is not to say that very young students should be forming the geometry proofs proving energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. On the contrary, the math that children should work on, in terms of problems, should be guided with visual aids and shapes or drawings that would further explain some complex concepts. III. Three Examples Having the students find a simple derivative would be a good place for them to start in learning more about the world of calculus. According to Alsina and Nelsen (2006), â€Å"In calculus, one [important piece of information] is the area under the graph of a function† (pp. 16). First, they could start of with a very simple equation, like f(x) = x^2. Then, what they could do next is find the derivative. The equation would be f’ (also known as f prime) = 2x. Next, the next step would be having a derivative of 2. And then the integer would become zero, finally. So, this is just one way in which some of the rules of derivatives could be simply explained on the board with graphs and a formula instead of having to go through the rules of the derivatives, which are pretty self-explanatory once you see how it’s done. Graphs help greatly in this regard. According to Larson and Edwards (2008), â€Å"[L]ine segments give a visual perspective of the slopes of the solutions of the differential equation† (pp. 256). The second example that would be given would be more geometry than anything else, and more of an introductory calculus problem. In order to find the hypotenuse of a triangle that the kids would cut out, they would have to take the sin of the angle equal to the opposite over adjacent lengths and then solve the problem. The third project that kids could work on would be to correctly calculate the time that it would take for a fish tank to fill up by taking measurements of the speed of the water, the measurements of the tank, etc. They would then use a calculus formula in order to figure out the answer by plugging in the numbers. This could be used to fill up a fish tank and then add new fish to the tank as a class project. IV. Lesson Plan for Students (With Accommodations for Diverse Learning Styles) Lesson Plan Components for a 5th-Grade Calculus-Focused Math Class Resources. Blackboard or whiteboard, construction paper, fishtank, water, hose, scissors, pens, pencils, colored pencils, and calculus

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The world I come from and my personal experience Statement

The world I come from and my experience - Personal Statement Example My father grew up in the tumultuous period of the 1950s and 60s, in that post-war, mid-twentieth century America recognized as the dominant power of the West, while also having to face the challenges from a belligerent Communist East. My mother originated from a peaceful, Buddhist country, Thailand, and hailed from a traditional, conservative family background. Both my parents are peace loving, and have provided me with all the support I need to develop both academically and in extra-curricular activities throughout my school career. My father encouraged me to learn the Thai language and customs and I benefitted from his, and my mother’s encouragement to attend weekend classes at the Thai cultural centre based at the Buddhist temple. At the local Thai temple I also learnt to play the Thai classical musical instrument khin along with several other Thai students. While growing up, I began to feel that sound (the sense of hearing) was an important factor in my personality and dev elopment. I was able to overcome my shyness and initial lack of confidence whenever I began to play the khin to an attentive audience. Playing classical music on the khin was deeply satisfying, with its loud, fast-paced percussion (klong), clear resonance (ranad) and the butterfly-like striking of the khin strings. In the summer before 11th grade, I participated in the Rock Era Festival, organized by the American Buddhist Community SGI-USA. The performance was free and watched by hundreds of youth who had gathered to promote world peace, and in the process developing their own inner strengths and resources. Before playing the musical instrument khin, one had to perform wai kru an act of homage to one’s ‘spiritual teacher’. Paying respect to one’s elders was a Thai cultural practice honoured by all the students. Here, I found myself an object of curiosity to other Thai students, and felt excluded, because of my mixed parentage. However, once they found that we had more in common with every passing year, the mutual reservations disappeared, and I benefitted from the seven-year long period of cultural immersion of immense benefit in my journey of personal discovery and fulfilment. Personal Experience Even though I was happy to have mastered the khin, I yearned for the pure sound that I could make vocally, totally independent of any musical instrument. This I achieved by joining the Buddhist community chorus. At first, it was difficult, a bold move, as I found socializing with other singers way outside my comfort zone. I persevered, making friends initially with Melany, whom I found to be a sympathetic soul. With her by my side, my social skills continued to develop by leaps and bounds. ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’, with a Hawaiian slant, was the song we practised for the first two months. For the first time, I felt inspired, and was performing from the depths of my soul. On the day of performance, there were at least 16,000 people in the audience. My nerves dissipated at the first riff of the ukulele. My confidence soared and I knew then that I could achieve anything if my heart desired it. This was a national movement of youth seeking to overcome their insecurities through participation in joint activities and thereby ultimately promoting world peace. I felt exhilarated. Coming from a happy home did not make me immune to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Master Delivery Schedule (Event Management) Case Study

Master Delivery Schedule (Event Management) - Case Study Example The River festival is held every year at several locations. This event is run in both forms, be it free of cost or trade fare events. These kinds of festivals are necessary for society so that people can interact with each other and are given a platform to turn the life into joy and fun. In today’s times every individual is tied up in their busy schedules and is busy neck deep in trying to make ends meet. Therefore, they do not find time to interact with each other and celebrate the life. Thus, these kinds of festivals are medium to connect people and give them a chance to get off their busy lifestyles and enjoy life. It is significant to note that people only want to go in festivals or celebrations that give them adequate amount of entertainment and leisure, which is only possible through good event management. The specialty of this river festival is that it provides high quality services and entertainment to visitors and that’s the reason it has gained immense popular ity over the years. Another reason for the increasing popularity of this river festival is its association with Brisbane festival. Brisbane is also a big series of events, which is now merged with the River festival. Reason behind the merger is to give it the potential to be the best festival in the whole of Australia. A large globally renowned Australian production company is also associated with this festival render its quality support. Thus, best event management services are planned to make the even a huge success. Various cultural programs, music shows, visual arts etc. are included in this festival to make it more interesting so that largest crowd can be attracted to the event (Maidstone river festival 2010). Identification and roles of key operations stakeholders: Key operations stakeholders are significant entities in any master delivery schedule and the recognition of these key operations stakeholders is of prime importance. In Riverfestival, operations stakeholders play an important part and the success of this large scale event will be dependent on the same. Good operations stakeholders are identified by observing the activities being performed by various parties in Riverfestival. However, operations stakeholders claim their roles and perform the allocated tasks in the Riverfestival, if they perform good activities, then management of festival would not be a problem (Phillips and Stawarski 2008). Stakeholders of Riverfestival have various functions. These stakeholders include transportation agencies, law enforcement agencies, public safety agencies, event organizers, elected official etc. The public safety agencies include fire and EMS. Emergency services and other concerned services for good event management in Riverfestival are only possible by proper coordination of all the stakeholders involved. Thus, it is obvious that stakeholders play a significant role in the success of Riverfestival. Implementation of various programs in an appropriate mann er is also important. All programs are executed with the help of proper involvement of stakeholders (Global expertise in meeting and event management). Outline of traffic management planning and operations: Traffic management planning and operations is also an important criterion for the success of Riverfestival. Traffic management planning includes good traffic control services required in a festival

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Importance of the Culture in Global Industry Essay

The Importance of the Culture in Global Industry - Essay Example Culture has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Lampel, Lant and Shamsie (2000) concede to this reality in their article on the challenges which confront managers in cultural industries. Quoting Marshall McLuhan’s assertion that â€Å"†¦ we are swiftly moving at present from an era when business was our culture into an era when culture will be our business,† (p. 263), Lampel, Lant and Shamsie’s (2000) primary concern is the effective and efficient management of the cultural industries. Craves (2003) echoes this same concern and underscores the importance of art and culture as commercial commodities. Garnham (2005), despite an evident agreement with the previously mentioned authors’ main arguments, approaches the issue of commerce and culture from a different perspective. Rather than look at it from a managerial viewpoint, he critiques it from a policy perspective. In so doing, he questions the impact of cultural policies on the creative arts indus tries in the UK. His approach compliments and, to an extent, completes that of the other authors and, taken together, all three articles provide readers with a clear insight into the importance of arts as an industry, and the management challenges it poses. Caves (2003) proceeds from the premise that even though art can be appreciated for art’s sake, its valuation and monetary appreciation requires management. An art piece or an artistic production has its connoisseurs, regardless of whether or not marketing and management have entered into the equation. Its popularisation, however, is dependant upon management and marketing.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fat Tax Essay Example for Free

Fat Tax Essay This report proposes that these costs and problems need to be addressed, and one avenue through which they can be is a junk food tax. This report proposes that there be a federal tax placed on junk food purchases, similar to the taxes placed on gasoline and tobacco products. This tax would dissuade people from purchasing unhealthy food items. At the same time it would help the nation offset some of the financial costs that obesity has generated. The proposition is not a fix-all, but it is a good start. Taxation of Junk Food, A Proposition to Battle the Obesity Epidemic in America Obesity is a condition that can be found in nearly every social class, geographic location, and age group in our society today. Every year there are more people who fit this profile; more people who are obese. While many view this condition as merely a cosmetic one, the truth is that there are serious consequences to being overweight. Some of these consequences include: the health risks such as diabetes and heart disease, early death because of those conditions, economic impacts due to lower productivity, astronomical health care costs, and numerous social problems that arise due to the lethargy and early mortality of obese parents and the inactivity of overweight children. These issues are significant, and need to be addressed in order to solve the problem. First, the causes of obesity must be understood, so that adequate solutions can be generated. Then solutions need to be created and put into effect such that the causes of the epidemic will be addressed at a minimal social cost. The information in this report shows that a large portion of those who suffer from obesity can attribute a large portion of their weight to junk food. This food is high in calories and low in nutritional value. This report also shows that many of these people choose to consume these products due to its convenience and relative low cost. I propose that in order to address this cause, and decrease consumption of junk food due to convenience and low cost, a federal tax should be levied against all foods that fit the profile of a junk food. I propose that this action would decrease economy purchases of less nutritious foods, and encourage consumers to consume more healthy diet options based on economic feasibility. Â  The Obesity Epidemic The issue of obesity is one that is complex and widespread. In order to understand the scope and implications of this condition, one must first understand what it is, and who it affects. Not everyone who is overweight is obese. Scott Ingram describes the difference between obesity and overweight as overweight being anyone who weighs more than the someone in the normal range for how old and tall they are, while in order for a person to be labeled obese, they must have enough body fat to put them 20 percent higher or more than their ideal weight (Ingram, 2005, p. 23). In other words, if a person’s ideal weight for their height and age is 140 pounds, and they weigh 150 pounds, they are overweight; but if they weigh over 168 pounds they are obese. This difference is important, as it indicates exactly how much overweight obese people are. They are all more than 20 percent over their target weight, which is significant enough to cause the problems that are being discussed in this report. The health and social issues caused by the state rest of the population that have not reached the 20 percent mark, but are still overweight are not even considered in this report. However, these issues will be positively affected by this proposal as well. It is also important to note that this problem is not isolated to a specific group of individuals, although there are groups that are higher risk than others.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Material And Process Requirements In Disc Brake Engineering Essay

The Material And Process Requirements In Disc Brake Engineering Essay The disc brake is a device for slowing or stopping the rotation of wheel. Disc brakes can be used on all 4 wheels of vehicle, or combined with disc brakes on the front wheels and drum brakes on the rear. Before we go in detail about the material selection, I would like to discuss the disc brake operation generally to let us understand how a disc brakes able to operate well. When the brake pedal is depressed, a push rod transfers the force through a brake booster to a hydraulic master cylinder. The master cylinder converts the force into hydraulic pressure, which is then transmitted via connecting pipes and hoses to one or more pistons at each brake caliper. The pistons operate on friction pads to provide a clamping force on a rotating flat disc that is attached to the wheel hub. This clamping tries to stop the rotation of the disc, and the wheel. On non-driving wheels, the centre of the brake disc or hub contains the wheel bearings. The hub can be part of the brake disc or a separate assembly between the wheel and hub with nuts or bolts. On driving wheels, the disc is mounted onto the driving axle and may be held in place by the wheel. On front wheel drive vehicles, it can be mounted on the front hub and wheel bearing assembly. The brake caliper assembly is bolted to the vehicle axle housing or suspension. Besides that, in most cases the brake is positioned as close as possible to the wheel, but there are exceptions. Some high-performance cars use inboard disc brakes on its rear wheels. The makers claim improved vehicle handling for this design because it reduces unsprung weight. Moreover, applying brakes can absorb a lot of vehicle energy so friction between braking surfaces generates great heat. Brake parts withstand very high temperatures. Most of the friction area of a disc is exposed to air so cooling is far more rapid than for a drum brake. Unlike with drum brakes, brake fade is rare. Because of their shape, discs tend to throw off water. So after being driven through water, they operate almost immediately. Disc brakes need much higher pressures to operate than drum brakes, so almost all disc brake systems need a power brake booster to help reduce the pedal forces that are needed from the driver. Due to the high forces needed to apply a disc brake, using it as a handbrake is less common. Therefore, some vehicles build a drum brake into the centre of the rear disc to provide for park brake operation. Possible Disc Damage Modes Discs are usually damaged in one of three ways: warping scarring cracking In addition, the useful life of the discs may be greatly reduced by excessive machining. 1.2.1 Warping Warping is caused by excessive heat buildup, which softens the metal and can allow it to be disfigured. This can result in wheel shimmy during braking. The likelihood of warping can be reduced if the car is being driven down a long grade by several techniques. Use of a lower gear to obtain engine braking will reduce the brake loading. Also, operating the brakes intermittently braking to a slower than cruising speed for a brief time then coasting will allow the brakes to cool between applications. The suitability of this is of course, dependent upon traffic conditions. Riding the brakes lightly will generate a great amount of heat with little braking effect and should be avoided. The wheel shimmy during braking is caused by thickness variation of the disc. Tests have shown that high temperature does not permanently warp discs. 1.2.2 Scarring Scarring can occur if brake pads are not changed promptly, all the friction material will wear away and the caliper will be pressed against the metal backing, reducing braking power and making scratches on the disc. If not excessive, this can be repaired by machining off a layer of the discs surface. This can only be done a limited number of times as the disc has a minimum safe thickness. For this reason it is prudent to periodically inspect the brake pads for wear (this is done simply on a vehicle lift when the tires are rotated without disassembly of the components). When practical they should be replaced before the pad is completely worn. 1.2.3 Cracking Cracking is limited mostly to drilled discs, which get small cracks around the drilled holes. These cannot be repaired. Material Requirement for Disc Brake Based on the function and the possible disc damage modes above, certain material requirement for disc brake is needed to be taking into consideration. The material requirements for disc brake are as below: High strength even at elevated temperatures High stiffness (modulus of elasticity) Low density High thermal conductivity Excellent abrasion resistance Good creep resistance 2.0 Material Selection Based on the material requirement for disc brake in section 1.3, Metal Matrix Composites has been chosen as the material for automotive disc brakes. This is because Metal Matrix Composites (MMC) is suitable to use for manufacturing automotive parts such as brake components, brake rotors for high speed trains, bicycles, and others vehicles. 2.1 Introduction to Metal Matrix Composites Metal composite materials have found application in many areas of daily life for quite some time. Often it is not realized that the application makes use of composite materials. These materials are produced in situ from the conventional production and processing of metals. Materials like cast iron with graphite or steel with high carbide content, as well as tungsten carbides, consisting of carbides and metallic binders, also belong to this group of composite materials. For many researchers the term metal matrix composites is often equated with the term light metal matrix composites (MMCs). Substantial progress in the development of light metal matrix composites has been achieved in recent decades, so that they could be introduced into the most important applications. In traffic engineering, especially in the automotive industry, MMCs have been used commercially in fiber reinforced pistons and aluminum crank cases with strengthened cylinder surfaces as well as particle-strengthened brake disks. These innovative materials open up unlimited possibilities for modern material science and development; the characteristics of MMCs can be designed into the material, custom-made, dependent on the application. From this potential, metal matrix composites fulfill all the desired conceptions of the designer. This material group becomes interesting for use as constructional and functional materials, if the property profile of conventional materials either does not reach the increased standards of specific demands, or is the solution of the problem. However, the technology of MMCs is in competition with other modern material technologies, for example powder metallurgy. The advantages of the composite materials are only realized when there is a reasonable cost performance relationship in the component production. The use of a composite material is obligatory if a special property profile can only be achieved by application of these materials. The possibility of combining various material systems (metal ceramic nonmetal) gives the opportunity for unlimited variation. The properties of these new materials are basically determined by the properties of their single components. Figure 1 shows the allocation of the composite materials into groups of various types of materials. Figure 1 Classification of the composite materials within the group of materials Although increasing development activities have led to system solutions using metal composite materials, the use of especially innovative systems, particularly in the area of light metals, has not been realized. The reason for this is insufficient process stability and reliability, combined with production and processing problems and inadequate economic efficiency. Application areas, like traffic engineering, are very cost orientated and conservative and the industry is not willing to pay additional costs for the use of such materials. For these entire reasons metal matrix composites are only at the beginning of the evolution curve of modern materials as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 Development curve of the market for modern materials Metal matrix composites can be classified in various ways. One classification is the consideration of type and contribution of reinforcement components in particle-, layer-, fiber- and penetration composite materials as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 Classification of Composite Material with Metal Matrixes Fiber composite materials can be further classified into continuous fiber composite materials (multi- and monofilament) and short fibers or, rather, whisker composite materials as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 Three Shapes of Metal Matrix Composite Materials 2.2 Reason Selecting Metal Matrix Composites as Material for Disc Brake There are different types of Metal Matrix Composites in the world. But, not all the type of MMCs is suitable to be taken as material for disc brake. Thus, the type of Metal Matrix Composites that can be selected as material for disc brake due to its attractive material property as below: Aluminum Matrix Composites This is the widest group of Metal Matrix Composites. The matrices of Aluminum Matrix Composites are usually based on aluminum-silicon (Al-Si) alloys and on the alloys of 2xxx and 6xxx series which is very suitable to be taken as material for automobile disc brake. Moreover, Aluminum Matrix Composites able to give properties as show below: High strength even at elevated temperatures High stiffness Low density High thermal conductivity Excellent abrasion resistance Besides that, the ideal Aluminum Matrix Composites stress strain curve for continuous unidirectional fiber composites is presented in Figure 5. Generally, this curve consists of two stages. During the stage I, both fiber and matrix remain elastic, during stage II, the matrix deforms plastically and fibers remain elastic. There is possibly a stage III where both matrix and fibers deform plastically, but generally the fibers break before their plastic deformation. Figure 5 Ideal Stress-Strain Curve of a Continuous Fiber metal Matrix Composite Magnesium Matrix Composite Magnesium Matrix Composites are reinforced mainly by silicon carbide (SiC) particles (particulate composites). The material properties of Magnesium Matrix Composites are as below: Low density High stiffness High wear resistance Good strength even at elevated temperatures Good creep resistance Magnesium Matrix Composites are used for manufacturing components for racing cars, lightweight automotive brake system, and aircraft parts for: gearboxes, transmissions, compressors and engine. According to research by Z. Trojanova .P, Department of physics of Metals, Charles University, he run the experiment on Magnesium Matrix Composites to understand its material properties in a more detail way. Figure 6 True stress-strain curve It is interesting to note that the microstructure of AS41/SiC composite exhibits similar features with Mg2Si precipitates on the grain boundaries. Figure 6 shows typical true stress-true strain curve of the ZC63/SiC composite deformed at different temperatures. It can be seen that the flow stress decreases with increasing temperature. At 200-C, the work hardening is close to zero. This indicates a dynamic balance between hardening and softening. The temperature variations of the yield stress and the tensile strength max are given in Figure 7. Figure 7 Temperature dependence of the yield stress and the maximum stress 3.0 Manufacturing Process There are difference manufacturing process way to produce Metal Matrix Composites and here, I would like to focus on few processes which is more suitable to produce disc brake which made by Metal Matrix composites. 3.1 Liquid-State Processes Casting or liquid infiltration involves infiltration of a fibrous or particulate reinforcement pre-form by a liquid metal. Liquid-phase infiltration of MMCs is not straightforward, mainly because of difficulties with wetting the ceramic reinforcement by the molten metal. When the infiltration of a fiber pre-form occurs readily, reactions between the fiber and the molten metal may take place which significantly degrade the properties of the fiber. Fiber coatings applied prior to infiltration, which improve wetting and allow control of interfacial reactions, have been developed and are producing some encouraging results. In this case, however, the disadvantage is that the fiber coatings must not be exposed to air prior to infiltration because surface oxidation of the coating takes place. One liquid infiltration process involving particulate reinforcement, called the Duralcan process, has been quite successful as shown in Figure 8. Ceramic particles and ingot-grade aluminum are mixed and melted. The melt is stirred slightly above the liquidus temperature (600−700 °C). The solidified ingot may also undergo secondary processing by extrusion or rolling. The Duralcan process of making particulate composites by a liquid metal casting route involves the use of 8−12 ÃŽ ¼m particles. For particles that are much smaller (2−3 ÃŽ ¼m), the result is a very large interface region and, thus, a very viscous melt. In foundry-grade MMCs, high Si aluminum is used to prevent the formation of the brittle compound Al4C3, which is formed from the interfacial reaction between Al and SiC. Al4C3 is extremely detrimental to mechanical properties, particularly toughness and corrosion resistance. Figure 8 Casting process for particulate or short fiber MMCs Alternatively, tows of fibers can be passed through a liquid metal bath, where the individual fibers are wet by the molten metal, wiped of excess metal, and a composite wire is produced. A bundle of such wires can be consolidated by extrusion to make a composite. Another pressure less liquid metal infiltration process of making MMCs is the Primex process which can be used with certain reactive metal alloys such as Al− Mg to infiltrate ceramic pre-forms, Fig. 3. For an Al− Mg alloy, the process takes place between 750−1000 °C in a nitrogen-rich atmosphere, and typical infiltration rates are less than 25 cm/h. 3.2 Squeeze Casting or Pressure Infiltration Figure 9 Reactive liquid metal infiltration processes Squeeze casting or pressure infiltration involves forcing a liquid metal into a fibrous or particulate pre-form as shown in Figure 10. Pressure is applied until solidification is complete. By forcing the molten metal through small pores of the fibrous pre-form, this method obviates the requirement of good wet ability of the reinforcement by the molten metal. Composites fabricated with this method have the advantage of minimal reaction between the reinforcement and molten metal because of the short processing time involved. Such composites are also typically free from common casting defects such as porosity and shrinkage cavities. Infiltration of a fibrous pre-form by means of a pressurized inert gas is another variant of the liquid metal infiltration technique. The process is conducted in the controlled environment of a pressure vessel and rather high fiber volume fractions; complex shaped structures are obtainable (3, 4). Alumina fibers reinforced inter metallic matrix composites, e.g., TiAl, Ni3Al, and Fe3Al matrix materials, have also been prepared by pressure casting (5). The technique involves melting of the matrix alloy in a crucible in vacuum, while the fibrous pre-form is heated separately. The molten matrix material (at ∠¼100 °C above Tm) is poured onto the fibers and argon gas is introduced simultaneously. Argon gas pressure forces the melt, which contains additives to aid wetting of the fibers, to infiltrate the pre-form. Figure 10 Squeeze casting or pressure infiltration process 3.3 Sinter-Forging Sinter-forging is a novel and low cost deformation processing technique. In sinter-forging a powder mixture of reinforcement and matrix is cold compacted, sintered, and forged to nearly full density, Figure 11. The main advantage of this technique is that forging is conducted to produce a near-net shape material, and machining operations and material waste are minimized. The low cost, sinter-forged composites have tensile and fatigue properties that are comparable to those of materials produced by extrusion which is suitable for disc brake. Figure 11 Sinter-Forging techniques for producing near-net shape, low cost MMCs 4.0 Conclusion The early Lotus Elise models came with Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) brake discs. These brakes were lightweight and a cost effective alternative to the carbon ceramic variations available recently but the only difference is they cannot operate at the same temperatures. As conclusion, based on the research above, I am confidence to said that Metal Matrix Composites is still the best for automobile disc brake in certain situation.

Friday, September 20, 2019

History of Counseling Essay -- Psychology, The New and Old Testaments

It is said that in order to know where you are going, it is important to know where you have been. This adage applies to many facets of life but also to the profession of counseling. In order to gain insight into the future of the profession, this author seeks to uncover the past that has shaped the current landscape. In doing so, the hope is to preserve what may be preserved, correct those mistakes of the past and forge new paths that will lead to wholeness and health. History and Timeline In deciphering the history of Psychology, one can subscribe to two seperate schools of thought. The first is that of the secular worldview that gives credence only to those things of this world. The focus here is on the scientific discoveries of various men throughout the ages. The second comes from a Biblical worldview that recognizes the true nature of soul care as an outward manifestation of God's grace and mercy to His broken people. This author will construct a timeline that attempts to integrate the two views and represent the split as well as the divine way that they have been brought back together with a bright future for integration. Counseling has been a part of history from the origin of man. The Old and New Testament have countless references to prophets, apostles and preachers who offered help and consolation to those in need of care. The apostle Paul clearly spoke of our ability to aid others when he said, â€Å"I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct (counsel) one another" (Romans 15:14, NIV) We were created to work in harmony with one another, offering aid to those who are afflicted in any way we can. This form of â€Å"counseling† relies... ... integrate each discipline into one cohesive recognition of truth. According to this source, all counselors exist somewhere within these bounds. When we think about creating a model of therapy that will serve God, our ethical responsibilities, our moral imperatives and our clients, integration and careful analysis of each model that has preceded are of tantamount importance. We must glean those concepts and techniques from each theory that allow us to function within the Allies camp, the most advantageous category of integration.(Entwistle, 2010) In order to do this, we parse each model into five pieces. These are: Philosophical Assumptions, Model of Personality, Model of Abnormality and Health, Model of Psychotherapy and Demonstrated Effectiveness.(Jones & Butman, 1991) In this way, we can consider the victories of the past and leave behind the mistakes.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Money Wont Solve the Prolems in Our Public Schools :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument

Money Won't Solve the Prolems in Our Public Schools "Our Public Schools are the worst in the state," I heard someone say. Last year's results of the State Mastery Tests were the lowest ever. Some parents even went as far as calling on the mayor to declare the education system a state of emergency. They complain that the schools in the suburbs have more money to spend on resources than they do. At meetings I hear community members appluad when administrators say that the Board of Education will be getting extra funds to spend per student, but they are all looking in the wrong direction. Money will not change the test scores. Computers will not change students' abilities. Additional books will not suddenly improve mathematics or language skills, but a change in behavior will. It is the attitude of students, mainly their behavior, that results in poor achievement. Too much valuable time is wasted with classroom control. It is difficult trying to teach children who are constantly talking and laughing as if the teacher is not in the room. When they are supposed to be working, some students walk around the room and when scolded by the teacher they pout with ugly looks on their faces and stomp back to their seats. Others purposely rock their chairs disturbing the ones who are trying to work quietly. When teachers have to spend half of the morning trying to control and discipline students, they are then too exhausted and mentally tired to teach with the same enthusiasm they had at the beginning of the day. Therefore students miss out on a high quality lesson and instead receive a watered-down version. Another result of their disruptive behavior is low morale. I once saw two third-grade teachers line up their entire class on the playground and scold them for at least ten minutes. I stood in the distance watching the students squirming, some hanging their heads and some looking as if it was all going in one ear and passing out the other, and I wondered what could have driven those teachers to this point. Sometimes I pass a line of students in the hallway being yelled at because they cannot walk in a neat line from the classroom to the gym without talking loudly or at least two kids ending up in a dispute. The behavior is worse at lunch time. I entered the cafeteria one day and heard a loud banging noise. Money Won't Solve the Prolems in Our Public Schools :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Money Won't Solve the Prolems in Our Public Schools "Our Public Schools are the worst in the state," I heard someone say. Last year's results of the State Mastery Tests were the lowest ever. Some parents even went as far as calling on the mayor to declare the education system a state of emergency. They complain that the schools in the suburbs have more money to spend on resources than they do. At meetings I hear community members appluad when administrators say that the Board of Education will be getting extra funds to spend per student, but they are all looking in the wrong direction. Money will not change the test scores. Computers will not change students' abilities. Additional books will not suddenly improve mathematics or language skills, but a change in behavior will. It is the attitude of students, mainly their behavior, that results in poor achievement. Too much valuable time is wasted with classroom control. It is difficult trying to teach children who are constantly talking and laughing as if the teacher is not in the room. When they are supposed to be working, some students walk around the room and when scolded by the teacher they pout with ugly looks on their faces and stomp back to their seats. Others purposely rock their chairs disturbing the ones who are trying to work quietly. When teachers have to spend half of the morning trying to control and discipline students, they are then too exhausted and mentally tired to teach with the same enthusiasm they had at the beginning of the day. Therefore students miss out on a high quality lesson and instead receive a watered-down version. Another result of their disruptive behavior is low morale. I once saw two third-grade teachers line up their entire class on the playground and scold them for at least ten minutes. I stood in the distance watching the students squirming, some hanging their heads and some looking as if it was all going in one ear and passing out the other, and I wondered what could have driven those teachers to this point. Sometimes I pass a line of students in the hallway being yelled at because they cannot walk in a neat line from the classroom to the gym without talking loudly or at least two kids ending up in a dispute. The behavior is worse at lunch time. I entered the cafeteria one day and heard a loud banging noise.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Neural Networks Essay -- Artificial Intelligence Technology

Neural Networks Abstract This paper will provide an introductory level discussion of neural networks within the field of artificial intelligence. This discussion will briefly cover the history of the neural network as well as recent advances within this field. In addition, several real world applications of neural networks will be discussed. Introduction The primary goal in the field of artificial intelligence is to construct a machine with an intellect comparable to that of a human. This pursuit of an artificial intelligence has had a long history. Several different approaches have been attempted as a result of this goal. In particular, the study of neural networks has evolved from this pursuit for an intelligent machine. The field of neural networks involves a new approach to computing that uses mathematical structures with the ability to learn (Zsolutions). These methods were inspired by investigations into modeling nervous system learning (Zsolutions). For example, neurons in the human brain are used to transmit data back and forth to each other. Artificial neural networks use this same technique to process various kinds of information (Fu, p 4). There are a wide variety of applications in which neural networks can be utilized. Primarily, they should be used in areas where standard techniques fail to give satisfactory results (Zsolutions). Neural networks are applied best in situations where information needs to be determined faster and with more efficiency. In addition, neural networks outperform other artificial intelligence approaches in areas where more detail can be learned from inputted data (Zsolutions). Discussion The technology of neural networks has been in existence for approximately forty years ... ...dapt as more data is input into the network. The recent advances within the field of neural networks are just beginning of what may potentially become the solution to creating a truly intelligent machine. The success that neural networks have had in the few areas that have implemented it should be enough to make others realize the strength of a neural network. As neural networks grow in popularity, so too will the advancements in the field. In my opinion, neural networks will eventually be the driving force behind all artificial intelligence attempts. Bibliography 1. Fu, Limin. Neural Networks In Computer Intelligence. McGraw-Hill Inc. 1994. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nursing beliefs/skills Essay

As my career through nursing school has progressed over the last two and a half years I have been blessed with the opportunity to participate in a multitude of clinical experiences. These clinical experiences have given me invaluable hands-on knowledge to facilitate with my coursework in the classroom. I believe that experiential learning is one of the main aspects of nursing school which distinguishes it from other majors. Through my clinical rotations I was able to acquire hundreds of hours in the clinical setting, allowing me to become better prepared for life after graduation. During my time in the classroom I learned valuable skills needed to excel in the nursing profession, but without my experiential learning I would not have had the opportunity to perfect these skills. Spending several hundred hours in the clinical setting gave me time to practice and master these skills to a level appropriate for a graduate nurse. As future advance practice nurse I am now, more than ever before, aware of how much I still have to learn. I believe that learning is not just the momentary acquisition of knowledge or skills but only successfully occurs when knowledge and skills become honed and manifest itself in every aspect of practice. Looking at my future as advance practice nurse, I hope that I will always have a critical awareness of all the different role functions in a variety of circumstances. I’ve learned that different people are good at different things so as I prepare for my own advanced career, I try to find for each different advance practice role, a fellow professional whom I may consider the epitome of that specific role. From one NP, I may learn how to be an expert clinician who seamlessly integrates knowledge into practice and from the next, more about how to be an advocate for a certain population. From the passionate, energetic physician’s assistant, I may learn how to present a practice issue in such a way as to effect clinical practice changes for the improvement of patient care. From the eloquent collaborating physician I may learn that being an expert does not mean that I know all the answers and that the best patient care actually flows from a team which works together for the benefit of their patients.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Admission Questions

There is a Quaker saying: †Let your life speak.† Describe the environment in which you were raised–your family, home, neighborhood or community–and how it influenced the person you are today. (200 words, 2000 characters)I live in a family of four which includes my mom, my grandparents, and I. My mom worked long hours, so my grandparents looked after me and gave me all love and care. I took over the challenging responsibility of regularly giving him eye drops. He hated receiving them and made my job more challenging when he wouldn’t cooperate, but I never gave up. Today I am more confident with all the challenges faced so early in life.I now have a new perspective of my family and self. I have learned to embrace the reality and the facts of leading a positive life. Looking back, I realize that I am lucky to have shared the relationship I have with my grandparents. Instead of turning away from them, I stood by them and coped with them, often setting asi de my personal interests. The unbreakable connection I have with my grandparents is truly unique.I have deep respect and care for the elderly because I have learned that every second spent is precious and there is no end to learning. At the end, I learnt that my perception of an incomplete family just never existed and it changed my perception.2. College of Arts and Sciences: What work of art, music, science, mathematics, or literature has surprised, unsettled, or challenged you, and in what way?I like mathematics because it is challenging to me and I enjoy it. I actively seek and investigate its profound mystery. I feel exciting sense of achievement in solving complicated calculus questions and also obtain imagery recognition of a matter from analyzing it quantitatively. Mathematics’ charms and challenges are found in the fact that it is the spirit of all kinds of science.People can conclude the physic principle by studying calculus and can build a program by using mathemati cs formula. I am confident to continue exploring, studying and challenging mathematics and emerge as a better surprising research associate.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week One Ethics Development

The ethical system is built from many theories. Utilitarianism teaches to â€Å"do† the right things in life. Deontology follows dictations and commandments from the bible. The virtue theory contains the development of personal characteristics. It is interesting to know how a person develops morals and values and why everyone is different. Utilitarianism in ethics is the theory that the rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by its usefulness in bringing about the most happiness of all those affected by it. The word utilitarianism comes from the Greek word telos, which means â€Å"end†. Under this direction, acting ethically means making decisions and taking actions that benefit the people by maximizing â€Å"good† and minimizing â€Å"bad† (danielsfund. org). Englishmen Jerry Bentham and John Stuart Mill were too of the most influential developers of the utilitarian view point. Utilitarianism focuses on the pursuit of happiness. Another theory is the deontology moral theory. While utilitarianism revolves around the concept of â€Å"the end justifies the means†, and deontology works on a concept that â€Å"the ends does not justify the means†. Deontology is another moral theory that is dependent on the Scriptures, which may refer to rules, moral laws, and intuition. It is based on the Greek word â€Å"deon† and â€Å"logos† meaning, â€Å"the study of duty†. In other words deontology is based on the idea that we have a duty to do certain things and to not do certain things. For example, if a person refuses to shoot someone because they feel they have a duty to follow the commandment â€Å"Thou shalt not kill†. This sentence becomes a rule that the person lives by. Deontologist have strong feelings about the words â€Å"right† and â€Å"good†. Rights have to do with actions. Good has to do with outcomes. They feel that â€Å"right† is the only consideration. Deontologist are people who freely choose to accept certain constraints and who decide what is right by looking at the nature of the act itself. Some establish rules, such as keep your promises, do not kill, etc. and some follow God’s commandments. They do not look at the consequences as a rule and sometimes find themselves in difficult situations. Deontologists face more problems then conflicting duties. They are sometimes accused of being cold hearted moral machines that ignore the world around them. There are many disputes with this moral theory because people question if they are being ethical by doing what God says because they want to go to heaven. There is a difference between being obedient and being ethical. Another fascinating theory is the virtue theory. The virtue theory is different from utilitarianism and deontology. Many philosophers believe that morality consists of following precisely defined rules of conduct. Virtue theorists place less emphasis on learning rules, instead stress the importance of developing good habits of character. The virtue theory emphasizes moral education since virtuous character traits are developed in one’s youth. Adults are responsible for instilling virtues in the young. There are certain traits which are seen to be virtuous. For example, a few are wisdom, courage, justice and temperance. Virtue ethics can be seen as an ethics of personal development. People can develop virtues over time, and so in theory, grow into a better person. The virtue theory describes the position of my morality on a personal level. My parents taught me right from wrong and how to be a good person. They were my role models and I am the person that I am today because of them. They taught me that stealing is worng, and to respect others. These things are in the bible an my family believes in God but for me that was not the first that I react to when I make a decision. My decision making is guided by characteristics and the virtues that are installed in me. When I was younger I made many terrible decisions but now that I am older and wiser I make better decisions. For example, one day I was leaving Wal-Mart and I noticed that my daughter which is two years old had a toy in her stroller that was not paid for. I immediately went back inside to pay for the item. Because I have great parents that was raised with the good morals and values I will honor them by installing those traits into my children so they will become good people and grow up to be successful in life. Deontology moral theory works for individuals who are obedient and utilitarianism is great for someone who believes in taking action for the good of all. The virtue theory will work for someone who has strong and positive role models in their life. All three of these theories are great ways to incorporate good values and morals. Finding the one the best fits a person’s lifestyle is a challenge.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Child Study Report Essay

Introduction Early childhood educators play an important role in observing, recognizing, and supporting children’s development (Charlesworth, 2014). In this report, child E has been chose to be observed with different observing methods including running record, anecdotal record and learning story. Child E is a 3 years old boy. His father is a New Zealander, and his mother is from China. He is the only child in his family. Child E dose not speak Chinese but only English, this is due to the reason that both his parents speak English at home and his mother does not want him to learn Chinese. Child E was born in New Zealand and he dose not know much about Chinese cultural. He attends at the center five days per week. His mother often drops him in the morning around 10am and the father picks him up around 6pm. Moreover, child E has just been transferred from the toddler room to the pre-school room two weeks ago. Child E and I know each other in the toddler room. In my report, I will focus on physical and socio-emotional developments and link them with development theories and concepts. I will also discuss how these two domains inter-related to the children’s holistic development. Read more: Factors that influence child development essay Physical Development Physical development is an essential domain that is extremely important for children’s development. The physical development of child E can be seen in all the observations. G. Stanley Hall and Arnold Gesell developed Maturation theory. According to the theory, maturation and growth occur together and they are interrelated. In another word, while a child is physically growing up, the nature and quality are changing as well. â€Å"Growth is what happens; maturation is how it happens† (Gordon and Browne, 2014). Furthermore, Gessell transferred his ideas of maturational process into the developmental milestones. The milestones indicate a child’s ability achievement at a certain age (Petty, 2010). The developmental milestone is a useful tool for early childhood teachers due to the reason that teachers can know what a child should achieve at specific ages. This can help teachers to plan and implement learning experiences for children. Also, the physical growth and deve lopment are closely related to children’s essential health and wellbeing  (New Zealand Tertiary College [NZTC], 2014). The physical experience supports children’s motor skills development. Using touching as an example, in observation one, child E patted the teacher and other children to get their attention. Instead of hitting or grabbing hardly, he patted gently. Child E experienced and developed the skill of controlling his motor when touching other people. Moreover, it is stressed in Te WhÄ riki (Ministry of Education [MoE], 1996), although there is a pattern of learning and development, teacher should see each child as an individual and every child follows their own rate of development. Thus, the physical development is not always predictable. To further explain this, in observation one, the action of poking shows the skill of using fine and gross motor. Child E and children J both can poke with the brush well, but their ages are different. In observation three, all the children joined the activity (musical statues) are 3 or 4 years old. They have different levels of balancing skills. In addition, Freud’s psychosexual stages also indicate deferent stages’ main development. He stressed the daily events and experience help children’s physical development in every stage (Berger, 2001). Child E is learning and developing his physical skills in every day life. Besides the theories discussed above, there are also some other factors that influence children’s physical development. Genetic make-up is the internal factors, and there are external factors include nutrition, exercise, social-cultural context, family care and health care services (NZTC, 2014). Genetic factors have impacts on many areas of development. In observation two, child E asked for more food is an example of his body’s natural needs. Social-cultural factor plays a significant role in the physical development. A child’s family vale and believe will influence the child. For instance, in observation two, child E left all the vegetables and only ate the rice and meat. Teachers already talked to his mother about this, and his mother believes the child know what to eat or not. She dose not want to encourage him to eat more vegetables. Instead, she asked teachers to give child E more meat. I also found that in the morning, when child E’s mother drops him at the center, E often has a chocolate muffin or other food high in sugar and fat as his breakfast. A current New Zealand research (Theodore, Thompson, Wall, Becroft, Robinson, Clark, Pryor, Wild & Mitchell, 2006) found that an  unhealthy diet would lead problems like diabetes, obesity, asthma and heart disease in young children, which will influence them a life-long time. Also, an unhealthy and unbalanced diet would cause undernourished problem of children. It has a huge impact on children’s physical development (Berk, 2013). The physical development is closely associated with other development domains. In terms of cognitive development, while children develop their fine and gross motor skills, the brain is stimulated and developed as well (Gordon & Browne, 2014). Take observation three as an example, while child E was finding his balancing with the motor skills, he also used his brain to control his gross and fine motor. Moreover, in the activity, he also used words like ‘move’ and ‘stop’ with his physical movements. His language learning was encouraged as well. Also, physical development inter-relate in relation to children’s social and emotional development, which will be discussed later. Social and emotional development Through all the four observations, child E showed his strong social skills and he was eager to communicate with others. A child’s social and emotional development is affected by both biological nature and the environment surrounds him or her. The different genetic factors and the other external factors influence children behave differently (NZTC, 2014). Building a positive relationship with children is essential for supporting emotions in young children. Supporting children’s emotions in a caring and social context can help the early childhood children to build a secure attachment relationship (Berk, 2013). It is stated in Te WhÄ riki (MoE, 1996), children will show their confidence only when they have built up the sense of belonging and secure at an environment. In observation one, child E chose to take a chair and set right next me. He is new to the pre-school environment, so he felt a little bit of insecure. He knows me from the toddler room a long time ago, so he feels emotionally safe and comfort around me. According to John Bowlby’s young children feels more comfortable around the person they attached to (Berger, 2001). Turning to Sigmund Freud’s theory, he considered personality as a key part of every child’s development. He  believes a newborn baby is governed by the id, which is the source of desire and motives that we born with (Berger, 2001). Erik Erikson further developed and modified Freud’s psychoanalytic perspective of development. Erikson sees the surrounding society as an important factor for every child. He believes that children develop from the interaction with surrounding environment, and a child and his/her environment have influence on each other (Berk, 2013). Most importantly, he added the parent-child relationship as a new interactive aspect. As we talked above, in the physical development part, child E’s mother’s believe obvious has an impact on child E’s eating habits. In the second observation, child E left all the vegetables in the bowl. This might be due to the reason that his parent’s allow him to choose what to eat at home. Different from both Freud’s and Erikson’s view, learning theorists emphasize the role of external forces in children’s social and emotional development. Behaviourism and social learning theory are the two most well-know learning theories. Behaviourism theory focuses on children’s behaviour and it sees culture as a key element of children’s learning. Behaviourism believes that environment can stimulate and elicit children’s responses (MacNaughton, 2003). From the four observations, child E was responding to his surrounding environment a lot. He was developing through interacting with his teachers, peers and toys in the environment. In the first observation, the teacher in pre-school room set up the painting activity to provide opportunities and encourage children to explore. Child E then chose to join the activity. E saw child J’s action and copied it. This is how child E learned from his surrounding environment. Social learning theory is closely linked with Behaviourism. It is because that socialization involves learning about how to behave in a social group. In social learning theory, children are active learners. They develop an understanding of self-awareness and social roles. Modeling, imitation, observation and self-efficacy are the main concepts of this theory. Children will then find out their abilities of doing a task. When they believe that they are good at the task, it is more likely they can overcome the difficulties. Otherwise, they could give up easily (Crain, 2000). In observation 2, child E was trying to keep balance. When he found out that balancing is little bit hard and his peers said he was out, he  stopped trying and felt emotionally uncomfortable. In the contrast, observation 3 shows that he was confident at building the station. Thus, when he needs to rebuild it, he did not give up. Same as physical development, Social and emotional development is also inter-related to children’s holistic development. It is emphasized in Te WhÄ riki (MoE, 1996) that a holistic curriculum is the development of a whole child in both individual and socio-cultural aspects. All the observations show how socio-emotional development and physical development happened in child E’s daily experience together. If E is emotional unwell, his physical development could be effect. Communication is an irreplaceable part of socio-emotional development, either verbal or non-verbal. Language skills are practiced through social experience. Cognitive domain is also influenced by socio-emotional development. Children’s brain is stimulated through interacting with others (Berger, 2001). Spiritual development is also a core part of holistic development. Children build up their sense of wondering and wisdom through social communication. Conclusion To sum up, I have discussed two developmental domains through analysing four observations. Child E has achieved a big improvement in both physical and socio-emotional developments. Moreover, all the developmental areas inter-related with each other, together, create a holistic curriculum for early childhood children. Reference list Berger, K. S. (2001). The developing person through the life span (5th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers. Berk, L. (2013). Child development (9th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Charlesworth, R. (2014). Understanding child development. (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Crain, W. (2000). Theories of development: Concepts and applications (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Gordon, A., & Browne, K. (2014). Beginnings and beyond: Foundations in early childhood education (9th ed). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. MacNaughton, G. (2003). Shaping early childhood: Learners, curriculum and contexts. Berkshire, UK: Open University Press. Ministry of Education. (1996). Te WhÄ riki: He whÄ riki mÄ tauranga mÃ…  ngÄ  mokopuna o Aotearoa/Early childhood curriculum. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media. Petty, K. (2010). Developmental milestones of young children (1st ed.). St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press. NewZealand Tertiary College,(2014).Life Span Studies 2 study guide. Auckland, New Zealand: New Zealand Tertiary College.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Law vs. Ethics ( In Training) Business Law Assignments Essay

Law vs. Ethics ( In Training) Business Law Assignments - Essay Example This diversity is also evident especially when according to one person or group, a certain behavior may be unethical or unlawful, but to the other it is acceptable. Ethics comprise of â€Å"divine† behaviors, which an individual ought to do to others, and expect a similar reciprocation despite many of them lacking tangible documentation. Conversely, laws are universal, consistent, legislated, written and accepted directives whose core purpose is to show the government’s position concerning a society’s behavior. Despite laws and ethics being applicable in all occupations entailing human life, they do not have a common standard (Kerridge, Lowe and McPhee 84). Since, the relationship amid the two in some circumstances usually differs despite both having a similar core purpose. For illustration, in some instances what many people perceive to be illegal may be ethical or vice versa whereas in other occasions both the law and ethics overlap. This is evident in the medical field where the law compels the doctor to act as necessitated in providing the necessary assistance to the ailing person, which is also in accordance to ethics (Kerridge, Lowe and McPhee 594). However, it is not a law for the doctor when he or she is unable to handle a certain patient’s condition to refer him or her to a more experienced specialist (Kerridge, Lowe and McPhee 151). This is an ethical responsibility where the doctor acts compassionately to help the patient. The doctor could wait for the hospital’s m anagement to dictate the patient’s next move according to the patient’s progress records. Hence, implying laws are ethically neutral. This is because there is no room where law enforcement process can compel the specialist to act at his or her level best given that ethics emanate from a person’s moral values (Kerridge, Lowe and McPhee 146). In addition, laws compared to the ethics are stricter and entail full conformity where one fails to comply with them. Therefore, one is

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Real work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Real work - Essay Example The ‘simple insight’ that Rodrigues has during his experience of working as a manual laborer is that he would not learn in three months what his father had meant by ‘real work’. He realized that his keenness to experience the sensations from the regular motion of shoveling, even when he was doing it for several hours at a stretch, was because he knew that this experience was only a temporary one for him. Rodrigues’ sweating chest and painful shoulder did not lessen his enjoyment of the work; and he was unwilling to learn from an older colleague who wished to show him a different manner of shoveling, to avoid making his back work too much. He realized that because he was not bound to the job, the sensations of exertion and fatigue were something to be savored, according to him. On the other hand, people like his own father and uncle who had done similar work at his age out of sheer necessity, would have feared fatigue because of its different toll on t heir bodies and minds. undertake for the purpose of making a small living. According to Rodrigues’ mother and father, ‘real work’ involves working with one’s hands at manual jobs. Their only purpose for doing such work for little pay, was to make ends meet, and to find a foothold in the foreign soil of America where they hoped to make a living. Thus, his parents would think of the author’s enjoyment in experiencing of the sensations of manual labour as far from the truth about ‘real work’. Rodrigues’ mother and father may not consider as ‘real work’ white collar jobs related to desk work, and working in comfortable or plush environments. The contemporary mode of working at computer systems may seem to them merely as pleasant pastimes, not to be regarded as actual work. Rodrigues doubted his ability to understand real work because even if he worked in some kind of factory, like his father’s last job, it would be a different experience for him. His long years of education