Saturday, December 28, 2019

French Expressions With the Verb Rendre

The French verb rendre literally means to return and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to give thanks, glorify, comply with orders, and more with this list of expressions with rendre. Possible meanings of rendre to give back, returnto administer (justice)to hand in (homework)to pay off (e.g., an experiment)to produce, make, yieldto repayto render (a thought, an expression)to surrenderto vomit Expressions with rendre rendre adjectiveto make (happy, scared, mad, etc.)rendre là ¢meto breathe ones lastrendre un culte à  to worshiprendre de la distance (running)to have a (distance) handicaprendre gloire à  to glorifyrendre gorgeto repay unfairly gotten gainsrendre grà ¢ces à  to give thanks torendre hommage à  to pay homage torendre honneur à   - rendre les derniers honneurs à  to pay tribute to - to pay the last tributes torendre du poids (horse-riding)to have a (weight) handicaprendre des pointsto give someone a head startrendre raison de quelque chose à  to give a reason for somethingrendre serviceto be a great help, to be handyrendre service à   quelquunto do someone a servicerendre le soupirto breathe ones last rendre visite à   quelquunto visit someonese rendre à  to go tose rendre à   lappel de quelquunto respond to someones appealse rendre à   lavis de quelquunto bow to someones advicese rendre compte deto realizese rendre à   levidenceto face factsse rendre aux ordresto comply with ordersse rendre aux prià ¨res de quelquun  Ã‚  to yield to someones pleasse rendre aux raisons de quelquunto bow to someones reasonsRendez-vous compte!Just imagine!Tu te rends compte?Can you imagine?

Thursday, December 19, 2019

American Imperialism And The Laguna Pueblo History

Events that occur throughout a period of time have an interesting effect on the people, places, and landscapes around it. In the course of history, particularly the history of North American Indigenous Peoples, we can see how events have influenced their way of life. Since the arrival of Europeans in North America, it is easy to notice how a singular event can cause shifts within indigenous cultures, communities and the landscape. Although shifts within and between cultures and communities can be good, the shifts Native Americans faced with the arrival of Europeans were usually not. For centuries Natives struggled to preserve their lands, culture, and people as they were slowly being assimilated into the new Euro-American way of life and colonization. In this, we can not only see the works of Euro-American hegemony but also the fight of Natives to defend and protect their cultural sovereignty. Throughout the course of this essay I am going to explore the ways in which Euro-Am erican hegemony and the fight to preserve culture relate to the Laguna-Pueblo history in the novel, Ceremony, by Leslie Marmon Silko. The novel, Ceremony, takes place in the early 19th century in the southwest United States. We meet the main character Tayo who is half white and half Laguna-Pueblo. His mother had an affair with a white man and left Tayo to be raised by his aunt when he was four. When we first meet Tayo he has recently returned to the reservation after World War II and isShow MoreRelatedThe Philippine Architecture: Spanish Colonial Period18287 Words   |  74 Pageswealth. Expansion of territory can lead to more power and much money. Having superiority was the main aim of the Spaniards; it was obviously proven through their motto: â€Å"God. Gold. Glory†. History plays a very important role to know more about the intent of the Spaniards in colonizing our island. Without the history, the intent of colonizing the pearl of the orient would not be clear. Here are some of the Historical events in Europe that can describe and show the intent of the Spaniards in the colonization

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Vietnam The Unending War Essay Example For Students

Vietnam The Unending War Essay The Vietnam war is the most terrible and senseless war America has ever fought. Never since their own civil war was the world most powerful country divided in such terrible anger. The leading historian on the war in Vietnam George C. Herring poses two very important questions in his essay American and Vietnam the Unending War. These two questions have been boggling the Americans minds since the beginning of the war in Indochina up to today when the US faces similar crises but is afraid to due to something called the Vietnam syndrom something that has plagued the American minds since the cease fire in Vietnam 1975. Why did the united States invest so much blood and treasure in an area so remote and of so little apparent significance, and secondly, why despite its vast power did the United States fail to achieve its objects? Herring approaches these questions from a variety of different sides which somewhat explain the struggle and the pain the misunderstood country had to go through. After WWII most of the countries such as Britain and the Netherlands gave up their colonies in Indochina. France on the other hand decided to regain power and put down the revolutionary nationalistic movement, by force that was plaguing Vietnam. The communist Ho Chi Minh had developed a communist, nationalistic movement against the french in order to be free of colonialism and establish a Marxist state in Vietnam. France at the time and still today is one of Americas strongest allies. Therefore and for many other political reasons, such as the prevention of the spread of communism, made the US aid France and support them with their mission. This was so to say the beginning of a variety of incidents that finally brought the US to war with Vietnam. Of all the nationalistic movements and revolutions in Indochina, the Vietnamese was the only one supported by communism. This was of great concern to the U.S. who feared that the soviet union had their hands in this as a plan of slowly gaining power over the entire east, and eventually the entire world. Herring writes From the outset Americans viewed Ho and the Vietminh as instruments of the Soviet drive for world domination,.. After the fall of china to communism in 1949, the US feared that if then also Vietnam would fall to communism finally the rest of Indochina, which found itself in similar unstable conditions as Vietnam, will fall to communism to. Soviet expansion had reached a point beyond which it must be permitted to go. A so-called domino theory was adopted, where when one falls all will eventually fall. Herring explains: Because of its location on chinas southern border and because it appeared in the most imminent danger, Vietnam was considered crucial. If it fell, all of Southeast Asia might be lost, denying the United States access to important raw materials and strategic waterways. After the defeat of France in 1954, the US aided to create a non-Communist, democratic, south Vietnamese state in hope that their financial aid and political assistance would strengthen the population and prevent any further spreading of Communism. The Cold War started taking desperate measures and the U.S. particularly in the Kennedy-Johnson era was very concerned with the security of western Europe. It was the US concern that if they would back out in the worsening Vietnam situation, it would portray a certain weakness to its enemy Russia and could provoke conflicts in western Europe, particularly over Berlin, that could end in a nuclear war. if they showed firmness in one area, it would deter the adversary in a another; if they showed weakness the adversary would be tempted to take steps that might leave no option but nuclear war. A further reason Herring portrays is the effect on the political situation at home which could have been quit crucial if Vietnam would have pulled out. Another loss to communism would have devastating outcomes on presidential elections. To prevent loss of votes marked another great aspect of why the Presidential administrations couldnt simply leave Indochina to its destiny. Harring writes the assumption shared by administrations from Harry S. Truman to Lyndon B. Johnson that the fall of Vietnam to communism would have disastrous political consequences at home. These main reasons, the prevention of the spread of Communism, the prevention of Nuclear war in Europe, together with political issues and troubles developing and finally to show its determination to defend its vital world interests, the United States put them selves in a position that was brave yet damaging its image all over the world. The point of prevention of nuclear war is particularly back up by Professor Francis X. Winters in his book The Year of the Hare. In his close study on the years of the Kennedy administration and the undergone coup on the South vietnamese leader and long term Allie Ngo Dinh Diem, he makes clear that it was Kennedys idea to keep on focusing on Vietnam in order to distract a War that could have otherwise happened in Europe and could have meant the end of humanity or at least the destruction of the entire northern hemisphere. Winters writes For I was to discover during interviews in the late 1980s and early 1990s, that President Kennedy and Secretary of State Dean Rusk had raised the American ante in Vietnam precisely in order to lower the risk of a nuclear confrontation in a European war. Trail of tears EssayEnglish Essays

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Unclaimed Personal And Vested Property Act â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Unclaimed Personal And Vested Property Act? Answer: Introduction The ownership of both tangible and non-tangible property is one of the main reasons for the disputes among individuals. The progress of time has seen the upgrading of various rules and regulations for helping and rendering justice to such disputes and cases (Anderson Huggins, 2013). Several disputes arise due to the claiming of missing property, lost and found. Some disputes also arise due to the attempt to injure others financially by means of false promises. The means to solve these issues is through thorough investigation and taking reference from the respective issued laws (Hart Green, 2012). This report deals with two case studies, one being the ownership of a lost property, the other being a case of mutual contract breach. It further deals with the legal convulsions that might arise in case of the instances. The advocacy has been done from both parties in case of the second case study. The purpose of this report is to investigate into the case studies and provide the legal implications that might arise and the possible solutions. In this case study, Bonzi found a necklace while staying in a hotel that is owned by Alpha Corp. Now the question arises about the legal ownership of the necklace. This case falls under the Canadian Property Law Act that governs regarding the rightful ownership and tenancy of private property. Since the owner did not leave the possession intentionally, the possession has been misplaced. The property being tangible in nature and found by someone else, Bonzi cannot keep the property despite being the finder, under the Canadian Law of finders and keepers, since the law states that a finder can only keep the property if it is found in nature. Exception being that the property is not found in some elses land (Bowal Kuzma, 2014).. Supposedly, if Bonzi does not inform about the found necklace, it can be classified under the Canadian Penal Code for an Act of Theft, since Bonzi is only the finder and not the owner. Since necklace was found in the hotel premise owned by Alpha Corp, it is necessary to hand over the property to the hotel authorities under the Canadian Act of Unclaimed property, until and unless the original owner shows up to claim the necklace (Bridge, 2015). In case the original owner shows up to claim the property, he/she is liable to show valid proof in order to claim the property under the Canadian law of Unclaimed Personal Property and Vested Property Act, Section 47. Given that the owner of the lost necklace is oblivious, yet under the Canadian law of Unclaimed Property Act part 3, the holder of the lost property has to make possible contact with the viable owner within a time limit of 6 months. Despite efforts to contact with the possible owner, if the property is not claimed within 12 months, the property is declared as Unclaimed under the Canadian law of Unclaimed Property Act. The property can treated as an income of the holder if it is not claimed within the time span of custody or the law prevents the holder from treating the property as a income or bounty. In the other way around, the necklace can be handed over to the federal authorities for thorough investigation regarding the ownership of the necklace. It would be helpful regarding finding the rightful owner of the necklace, in case the owner turns up to the federal authorities for the retrieval of the lost necklace. The second case deals with two companies producing the same kind of goods had a mutual understanding to share the profit of the business. The director of sales of MC Electric Inc, Dortmund made a mutual understanding with GB Circuits Co. another supplier, to share the profit with GB circuits since GB circuits failed to fulfill the complete tender order of A-Tel, a telephone producing company. The claim of compensation cannot be made on the ground that GB Circuits have shared the offer with MC Electric Inc and successfully allowing them to bid for the rest of the order. As per the case study, if MC does not wish to share the profit quota, GB can file against Dortmund under Canadian Tort Act for making false claims of sharing profit with GB Circuits (Wright, 2017). GB Circuits cannot file any case under Canadian Contract Law against MC Electric Inc for refusing to pay the profit since no official contract was signed on behalf of MC Electric Inc (Bix Bix, 2012). In case, Dortmund refuses the entire mutual agreement, the directors of MC Electric Inc cannot file against Dortmund under breach of contract with company for implying unfair means to achieve target. Since the agreement was made verbally and not contractually, the chance of getting the promised amount by GB Circuits is quite difficult (Fried, 2015). This due to fact that the tender applied by MC on behalf of GB Circuits incomplete tender must have been made legally and not verbally (Cartwright, 2016). The mere cause of allowing to bid is not a strong ground to claim the profit and MC Electric Inc is also not liable to pay since it made the profit on legal basis. The only ground Dortmund can be sued by GB Circuits is to file against him, under Canadian Tort Act for trying to financially injure GB Circuits. In the process, if Dortmund is found guilty, he can probably be charged under the Canadian Contract Act by MC Electric Inc for breaching of contract and made to compensate the amount on his own terms and not out of the companys profits. Conclusion The report concludes the two case studies where in the first case, the finder cannot keep the necklace since the finder finds it on another land apart nature, under the Canadian Act of Finders and Keeper as unless it is to be kept a secret and it falls under the Canadian law for an Act of theft. The hotel authorities is the rightful holder can only hold the property until and unless the rightful owner is informed or comes to claim with adequate proof under the Canadian Law of Unclaimed Personal Property Act. In the second case, the Sales president of MC Electric Inc can be filed against by the other competitor company GB Circuits for wrongfully making false claims to share profit with it, without the knowledge of his own company. He can be filed under the Canadian Tort Act and if he is proven guilty, he can be probably charged under Canadian Contract Act for using unfair means to generate revenue. Reference Anderson, T. L., Huggins, L. E. (2013).Property rights: A practical guide to freedom and prosperity. Hoover press. Bix, B., Bix, B. H. (2012).Contract law: rules, theory, and context. Cambridge University Press. Bowal, P., Kuzma, D. (2014). All is Not Lost: The Law of Lost and Found. Bridge, M. (2015).Personal property law. OUP Oxford. Cartwright, J. (2016).Contract law: An introduction to the English law of contract for the civil lawyer. Bloomsbury Publishing. Fried, C. (2015).Contract as promise: A theory of contractual obligation. Oxford University Press, USA. Hart, H. L. A., Green, L. (2012).The concept of law. Oxford University Press. Wright, J. (2017).Tort law and human rights. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Right to Counsel

The legal understanding of such a notion as the right to counsel has been shaped by several important cases. This paper is aimed at discussing the case Strickland v. Washington which implies that a citizen should be entitled to effective assistance of counsel (Dimitrakopoulos, 2007, p. 184).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Right to Counsel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are several questions that are related to this court decision. First, one should show how a defendant can prove that the assistance of a counsel was inefficient or unreasonable. Secondly, it is important to find out what a judge should do if he/she believes that the attorney does not adequately represent the rights of the client. These are the main issues that should be examined more closely. Overall, according to this court decision, a defendant may expect an attorney to defend his/her interests in an efficient and reasonable way. Moreove r, the deficiencies of an attorney must not deprive a person of the right to fair trial (Dimitrakopoulos, 2007, p. 184). Under such circumstance, a defendant must prove that the performance of the attorney did not meet the standards that are set for legal professionals (Levenson, Manheim, Dougherty, Gold, 2012, p. 167). More importantly, it is critical to demonstrate that the decision of the court might have been different provided that the attorney had coped with his/her duties effectively. These are the main implications of this case. To a great extent, this case represents the latest stages in the historical development of the right to counsel. This court decision was passed in 1984, and it helped to elaborate the understanding of the Sixth Amendment which guarantees the right to counsel. To a great extent, it lays stress on the competence and accountability of attorneys for the way in which they can defend the interests. In the past, the courts did not have to reverse their ver dicts due to the inadequate assistance of legal counsels. This is why the importance of this decision should not be overlooked by clients or lawyers. On the whole, the right to counsel can be attached to every critical stage of the criminal procedure. For instance, one should speak about preliminary hearing, initial appearance, trial, or sentencing (Emanuel, 2009, p. 154). Furthermore, it should be mentioned that the client did not exercise his right for self-representation.Advertising Looking for essay on criminal law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Instead, he chose to rely on the services of a defense attorney. The main role of this professional was to ensure the adequate representation of the clients’ rights. For example, he had to present the evidence that could exonerate the client or mitigate his guilt. These are the main aspects that one can single out. The peculiarities of this case were also discussed with a local attorney who was interviewed specifically for this assignment. In particular, he responded to the questions which were identified in the introduction. First of all, he said that the ineffective performance could take several forms. For example, an attorney may fail to present a critical piece of evidence that could defend the interests of a client. Nevertheless, it is important that in many cases, there are no clear-cut criteria according to which the performance of a counsel can be evaluated. This argument is particularly relevant to the situations when one has to determine whether a defense strategy chosen by the attorney was efficient or not. Under such circumstances, one should keep in mind that even a professional attorney cannot always attain a successful outcome. Secondly, the attorney said that a judge has several duties. In particular, he may inquire whether a counsel has a possible conflict of interests since it can prevent him from protecting the interests of a defe ndant in the court. However, a judge is not obliged to question the defense strategies chosen by a counsel. Certainly, he/she may accept the defendant’s demand to substitute a counsel. Yet, a judge should not question the competence of an attorney. These responses have been helpful for understanding the right to counsel. Overall, these examples indicate that the role of counsel is critical for ensuring that an individual receives a fair trial. The case, which has been chosen for this paper, illustrates the idea that a client can set certain expectations for the performance of an attorney. Reference List Dimitrakopoulos, I. (2007). Individual Rights and Liberties Under the U.S.  Constitution: The Case Law of the U.S. Supreme Court. New York, NY: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Emanuel, S. (2009). Criminal Procedure. New York, NY: Aspen Publishers OnlineAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Right to Counsel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/pag e Learn More Levenson, L., Manheim, K., Dougherty, J., Gold, V. (2012). The Journalist’s Guide  to American Law. New York, NY: Routledge. This essay on Right to Counsel was written and submitted by user Saanvi I. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Aspects of Physics in the Grove leisure Centre Essays

Aspects of Physics in the Grove leisure Centre Essays Aspects of Physics in the Grove leisure Centre Essay Aspects of Physics in the Grove leisure Centre Essay The purpose is for the doors to open automatically when anyone is a certain distance from the door. The distance should be right for when they are walking up to the door so it has enough time to open when the person is close enough to go through it. The automatic door is needed for disabled access as it is a legal requirement. The grove has had them since the year 2000 because legal reasons state that all public places have to have access for disabled people. It makes it a lot easier for school parties, so the teacher doesnt have to hold the door so they can make sure the children at the front of the queue are looked after and not left unattended. Some people who are medically referred to the leisure centre by their doctors might be very weak and wouldnt be able to open a door, so an automatic door overcomes this problem. Another helpful thing is that the doors will not be left open in winter time, and therefore will not let heat out, which in turn will save money as the building will not need excess heating because heat is being lost. Pool Lighting The lights are not located directly above the swimming pool, the main reason for this is that it would be extremely hard to fix and change them; another reason is that if the lights were directly above the pool then condensation would cause the lights to break. This helps to spot any foreign object in the pool, as if there was a dark pool they not be spotted and if there was someone under water drowning it would make it harder for the lifeguard to spot them the less light there is. Also simply to help people to see when they are swimming on the surface or underwater as the more light there is it makes it clearer to see. The above diagram shows a light beam coming from lights set in the floor travelling upwards and reflecting at a 90à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ angle to another reflecting surface, and then it does another reflection at 90à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ down to the pool. The above diagram shows a light ray reflecting and how it does it, this is what the ray does in the pool lighting system. How the automatic door system works The doors work by using a passive infrared detector (P.I.R) They call it passive as it only receives infrared waves of a certain frequency and it doesnt emit any. Infrared rays are rays that are emitted by any object which is warmer than 0 K, but so the door isnt opened for animals the passive infra-red detector is tuned to detect the frequency of infrared ray that humans emit and filter out any others, also if it didnt then on a sunny day the doors would be open all of the time. The infrared radiation goes through a window which is located on the housing of the P.I.R. The window is made so that it allows infrared rays to pass through but then doesnt allow visible light through. Infrared rays go through a window in the housing of the detector, the window is made of a material which doesnt let visible light through but does let infrared through. When the passive infrared detector detects many infrared rays the fresnel lens focuses the beam on to a crystal which is usually a semi-conductor, then the electromagnetic radiation sets up a voltage which then causes a current to flow through a relay circuit, then operating a motor which is attached to the doors, then they open. The sensor is capable of reading a wide range of radiation so a filter is put over it so it limits incoming radiation to between 8 and 14mm which is the most sensitive to human body radiation. Pressure pads may be used along with the P.I.R., this is because if there is a very low change in infrared, e.g. if someone was to walk slowly up to the doors, then the doors might not open or might open and then close before the person has walked through them. To stop this from happening pressure pads are put down just before the door, so when someone steps on it this also causes the circuit to operate and for the doors to open, so there is always one device that will pick the person up. This is also good for safety, if there was just a P.I.R. and there was a fire, the smoke would block the infrared getting to the sensor, so the doors wouldnt open, but with pressure pads the doors would still be able to open. The doors operate in relation to change in infrared, or to pressure being exerted on the pressure pad. This is the circuit in which the P.I.R. and pressure mat work on: Power Source P.I.R. M P.M P.I.R. = Passive Infrared Detector P.M = Pressure Mat Logic Gates The circuit has an OR logic gate in it, this is where either of the two devices will make the doors open. INPUT OUTPUT P.I.R. P.M. Automatic Doors 0 0 Doesnt Open 0 1 Open 1 0 Open 1 1 Open This table shows that when one of the devices, P.I.R. or P.M. is activated that the automatic doors open. On the left half of the table a 1 represents the device being activated and the 0 represents it not being activated. So either one on its own, or both being activated will result in the doors opening. Photons In the crystal there are electrons, and photons are absorbed by the electrons, this is what gives the electrons the energy to move about, and therefore this is what sets up the voltage, and makes the current flow. Every single photon travels at the speed of light. The frequency of the radiation determines the amount of energy each photon has, the rule is the lower the frequency the lower the amount of energy the photon has, which also means, the higher the frequency the higher the amount of energy. How to work how much energy each photon has: I need to work out the frequency first: FREQUENCY = SPEED OF LIGHT / WAVELENGTH f = V / ? f = f = Now I can work out the energy: ENERGY (J) = Plancks constant (6.63 x 10?-34 Js) * FREQUENCY (Hz) E = h * f E = * E = Lenses The lens which is used is a FRESNEL LENS, it has been changed from a Plano convex, this is because it reduces the absorption by the lens. The Fresnel lens is a lens that is able to reduce the amount of material required compared to a normal Plano convex lens, it does this by breaking the lens into a set of concentric annular parts, and these are called Fresnel zones. 1 Fresnel lens 2 Plano Convex In the picture on the right you can see a Fresnel lens (1). You can see that in each of the Fresnel zones the, the overall width of the lens is lowered. This means that the original lens has been changed to a lens with the same curve but with discontinuities between it. This means that the overall thickness of the lens is greatly reduced, and therefore the weight and volume of the lens is also greatly decreased, but this is at the expense of reducing the imaging quality of the lens. I can work out the power that the lens has, for this I need the focal length. 0.65 = 0.01651m POWER = 1 / FOCAL LENGTH (m) POWER = 1 / 0.01651m POWER = 60.57 D Limitations If there is a power cut and the automatic door is a dual system with a pressure mat and detector, the pressure mat wouldnt work. If there is something wrong with the pressure mat then it involves digging it up which can cause hassle as is in the door way and will mean digging up concrete which will take time and be expensive. If there is a fire, smoke would cover the infrared detector and therefore the infrared rays that the person is giving off wouldnt be detected so the door wouldnt open and the person wouldnt be able to get out, and may die. That is only if it isnt a dual system without a pressure mat. Because the sensor is focused on the space leading up to the door it may be that if someone stands in the door way then the door will shut on them as there is no change in infrared radiation. When the P.I.R.s are used in security systems there are also flaws, which include a false alarm being raised if anything that isnt a human is detected, and therefore would set the alarm off when it is not needed. Other uses P.I.R. sensors can be used in many things, one of the main things is in security systems, as they are used to detect movement just as they are in the automatic doors, but instead of operating a system to let someone in when they are detected they are used to turn a light on when someone moves near it, or to set off an alarm or notify the police. P.I.R. systems have also been used in space; they have been used in a system which measures how much infrared radiation the sun and other planets are emitting. They are also used in toilets, for things like hand dryers, where a hand is placed underneath and then the infrared rays are detected and so the dryer starts to work, the same system is also used for taps in some places. Future Developments In the future the PIR sensor is hoped to be able to recognise individual people as everyone has a different infrared signature. These could be used in situations such as in a bank where only staff with a infrared frequency that has been registered are allowed into the back room with access to certain information, or in hospitals, only the correct staff will be let into the drugs cupboard. This could also work in football where any hooligans which have been banned from attending certain matches at certain grounds will have there infrared frequency registered with the system so the doors will not open for them. Also in development is a system for when people cross the road, as drivers sometimes ignore pedestrian signs and pedestrians walk across the road without pressing the button. The system is that a P.I.R. will detect a person walking towards the road and will set off a warning such as a light or flashing sign for the driver to see, therefore making them aware of the fact that ther e is a pedestrian crossing the road which will enable them slow down or stop.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Farewell to manzanar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Farewell to manzanar - Essay Example The familys loyalty was to America. However, Jeannes father was arrested two weeks after Pearl Harbor. When the family moves to Terminal Island with Jeannes brother, Woody, the family realizes how different they are. All of Woodys neighbors only speak Japanese, not English. This makes the Wakatsukis uncomfortable. When President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942, the Watatsukis fate was sealed. They were forced to the Manzanar camp in California. This internment camp served to keep Japanese-Americans interred for the term of World War II. The Japanese-American Citizens League helped organize the Japanese-Americans be sent to the internment camps. Later these types of organizations would be considered inu, or traitors, for helping the military send their people to the camps without protest. Manzanar is very dusty. Dust covers everything. Privacy is not as abundant as the dust. In fact, there was not any privacy for the internees at Manzanar. Jeannes mother used cardboard boxes to protect herself when using the latrine. The latrine and barracks were also very dirty and unsanitary. The camp kitchen was extremely unsanitary. Contaminated food frequently made the internees sick. This made the camp internees candidates for immunizations. The old and young alike had to get shots. It was not like even modern day prisons, but much worse. Manzanar fostered family division. Every adult in the camp had to hold down a job. Jeannes mother was a dietitian in the camp kitchen. Meals were what the author missed the most. Families could not sit down and share meals. Adults ate at one time, while children ate at another in separate parts of the camp. The camp was very crowded, forcing the Wakatsukis to share a room at first. Despite the close quarters at night, the family was driven apart during the day. Before Pearl Harbor, Jeannes father was a proud man. He earned

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Role of Local Authorities in Urban Regeneration Essay

Role of Local Authorities in Urban Regeneration - Essay Example While urban re-generation is seen as an agent for economic change and reform by many, several also consider it as means of control and leading to destruction of neighborhoods. However, if done properly, urban regeneration is seen in a favorable light and is beneficial for societies. In this report, I’ll discuss the role of local authorities in urban regeneration and how they can help to enhance this process and make it more useful for their particular areas. Impact of Urban Regeneration: Change is an on-going process. Cities go through a constant phase of change whether it is slow or fast. In the past few decades Many European cities have undergone very rapid change which has led to suburbanization and the restructuring of the economic base of the cities (Couch et. al, 2003). Urban regeneration is the answer to these problems. While it may have a downside, but if proper urban re-development plans ate launched, they can solve a lot of urban environmental problems, bring areas to beneficial use and also bring about economic change by creating lost jobs. As external changes occur in a country, various social, economic and other problems are faced by cities. Many states in the UK faced the need of urban regeneration as they faced problems in the post-war period (Jones & Evans, 2008). From now to then, urban regeneration has become a central part of governments combined with various businesses. Role of Local Authorities When cities face problems like people moving out and as a result property prices and the value of that area declining, urban regeneration becomes the need to revive that particular city. Various UK cities have gone through this problem. For example, the city of Salford is going through the same trend and people are moving out. As officials devise regeneration plans for the city, to make these plans successful, the support of all partners, the community and local authorities is very important. While various stakeholders are involved in the process and bring capital and other resources to this process, the role of the loc al government is essential for effective regeneration. Local authorities can better tackle regeneration and integrate this process with their other programs as well to obtain positive outcomes through their core services. Since local authorities are dealing with the issues of their particular city, they can also embed this process and use their service department outputs to handle this process effectively. Local Authorities and the Role of Stakeholders When the local authority shows interest in this process and takes charge of it, various other stakeholders also support them. Some of the examples of these stakeholders are: If local authorities own the regeneration process for their particular city, then their word will act as a strong factor in attracting financiers and other private companies to come forward and be part of the process. The local people have ideas about what the community wants and if they are supported by the local authorities, they can act as a responsive medium f or constructive and cost-effective services

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Cross-Cultural Ministry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cross-Cultural Ministry - Assignment Example Changing such a relationship to a positive one may be difficult due to the corrupted or dependency mentality created in the minds of the poor. It is thus necessary to build healthy relationship from the very start. A relationship of the giver on one hand and the recipient on the other hand is bound to fail. Such a relationship is unhealthy, unsustainable, and fails to empower the poor. Over-dependency on the giver harms the poor in the long-run. The people in the Third World country have been made to believe that they are meant to be poor. This is a wrong mentality that harms their confidence level as well as development. Such mentality needs to be banished if at all Third World countries have to believe in their own economic empowerment. Developmental progress calls for the mutual collaboration of all the parties. It is not possible to develop by simply depending on the support of others. Instead, both the giver and the recipient must come together and chart away forth for the development

Friday, November 15, 2019

Dracula Literary Analysis Essay

Dracula Literary Analysis Essay Although the idea of vampires had already been popular in folklore long before Bram Stoker wrote Dracula, his adaptation of the tale lead to the creation of one of literatures most Symbolically sexualized characters. Dracula have proven the 1897 novel to be truly timeless. It is arguably one of the most beloved classics of gothic Literature. However, relying loosely on the text, modern renditions habitually bypass the more Controversial subjects of fear within the text as those fears relate to female sexuality and Homosexuality. By examining the Victorian era in which Dracula was written, looking closely At how the female characters are portrayed, the gender relations between the characters, and the Blatant homosexual undertones of the novel, this reflection will explore how the classic seamlessly manipulates the themes of womens sexuality, gender inversion, and also the point of view of Bram Stoker. Dracula becomes the famous horror novel in the 15th century and also an inspired man y horror story after that. First person point of view is the predominate viewpoint of Dracula. The fascinating thing about the book is that it takes on the viewpoint of several characters in the form of letters, journals, and diary entries. Occasionally there are third person accounts written as newspaper articles. If the story were only written in third person or even in only one characters viewpoint the story would not unfold in quite the same way. The reader would not know more than the characters or be able to put things together long before the characters. It would not be nearly as suspenseful. Mina Murray Harker is the main character in the novel because we read her diary entries more than anyone elses. Mina is brave because she goes into dangerous situations trying to save her friend Lucy. Mina is persistent in that she refuses to give up hope that they will destroy Dracula. She is hard working as shown when she types up all the diaries and journals from several people so that all the information about Dracula is found in one place. Finally, Mina is also loyal to her husband and she is intelligent. Professor Van Helsing is one of the many minor characters in the novel. Van Helsing is an intelligent man, having studied unusual cases from all around the world. He is also a bit strange when he demands that the suffering Lucy wear garlic around her neck. Van Helsing is a loyal friend when he travels to London to help discover what is wrong with Lucy. Finally he is resourceful and determined. Dracula is written in journal entries, letters between friends, and news articles. Not only is it written in many forms, it uses many points of view. The journal entries, and letters are written in first person, but the news articles are written in third person. Because of these many points of view, the reader gets to see how many people view the situation with the Count and the sub-plots in the novel. The novel starts in first person point of view with Jonathon Harker. He seems to be a very pract ical man that pays attention to detail. Then the point of view shifts to letters between Mina Harker and Lucy Westenra. These two sweet girls have been best friends for years and who face disaster when Lucy begins to walk in her sleep. In between these letters a News article is told in a narrators voice. From there the point of view shifts to Dr. Seward. His journal entries are more centered on facts and possible solutions. Along with Dr. Sewards entries, Professor Van Helsing does include his own thoughts on the problems and the solutions he views. This many shifts in point of view normally wouldnt work, and cause the story to seem disjointed. Since the shifts are journal or diary entries, Stoker uses transitions well and makes the shifts not abrupt and work for the plot. One of the major themes in Dracula is the concept of Christian Salvation. This theme starts in the beginning as Harker is traveling to Castle Dracula. The locals cross themselves, make the sign of the cross, and one puts a Rosary around Jonathon Harkers neck. We see Stoker using the theme that if a person will follow Christ salvation will be found in heaven and evil will be kept at bay. Another instance were Stoker is using the theme of Christian Salvation is when Van Helsing is brought into so save Lucy Westenra from the vampire hold. After the Count arrives at London he begins his affair with Lucy, but not in the usual sense. The Count chooses beautiful women, then seduces and converts her while she sleeps. As Mina and Dr. Seward strive to keep Lucy alive, Professor Van Helsing arrives to aid Seward in saving Lucy. After realizing that Lucy is a vampire, a cross is kept around at all times Even though Lucy did become a vampire, it was through Christian Salvation that Van Helsing tr ied to save her. Throughout the novel Bram Stoker deals with the theme of beast versus humanity. The idea of same-sex erotica also confuses what it means to be a sexual being. The novel does not dismiss homoerotic desire and threat; rather it simply continues to diffuse and displace it (Craft 111). As seen in the combination of male blood during the transfusion scene, men may only touch each other through women; therefore Dracula uses the hyper-sexuality of the mutated women he controls in order to get to the men he really wants. He is the original supreme vampire and uses his offshoots of female vampires to enact his will and desire. My jackals [will] do my bidding when I want to feed, he claims (Stoker 360). For this reason, among others, numerous scholars have read the processes of biting, sucking, and sharing blood in Dracula as sexual, reproductive actions. Throughout the Dracula book I am now more clearly understand the culture and lifestyle of the 15th century. However, more important than the meaning behind the tangible concluding events, is the fact that within Dracula are the ever-present struggles to define, maintain, manipulate, and explore what it means to be a sexual being; to struggle with duality. Stoker stretches the concept until it becomes as distorted as his master villain, yet in the process, brings the reader closer to discovering the true spectrum of human sexuality.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Gender Stereotypes Among Childrens Toys Essay -- Stereotypes Toys Gen

Gender Stereotypes Among Children's Toys   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When you walk into the toy section of any store, you do not need a sign to indicate which section is the girls’ side and which section is the boys’ side. Aside from all the pink, purple, and other pastel colors that fill the shelves on the girls’ side, the glitter sticks out a lot as well. The boys’ toys however are mostly dark colors – blue, black, red, gray, or dark green. The colors typically used on either side are very stereotypical in themselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I noticed the girls’ toys engaged fine motor skills more than the boys’ toys did. The girls have several different types and sizes of dolls to choose from – however, this also makes dolls or items used with dolls (Barbie clothes, doll clothes, doll houses, Barbie cars, and doll furniture) over half of all the products in the girls’ section. This shows the stereotypical attitude that all girls like to nurture and will someday be expected to be mothers and the primary care giver for their children. Other toys I noticed that were very stereotypical were the child size vacuum, broom, and kitchen set. Even at this young age we teach girls it is part of their role to cook and clean.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another stereotype I saw demonstrated in the girls section was the idea that all girls are animal lovers. A large section of the girls’ side was filled with different stuffed animals or other toy animals like â€Å"Pound Puppies† or â€Å"My Little Ponies†. Mostly the girls’ toys used fine motor sk...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Females Portrayal in Death of a Salesman Essay

In the play, Death of a Salesman, Linda depicts the author’s view of women within this time. Linda was anxious in becoming the finest â€Å"housewife†. Her nature and disposition, even before she enters the play, is one of kindness, love and a deep admiration for her husband Willy, despite his faults. She took on full responsibility for herself and family. At this point in history the typical woman was viewed as a housekeeper and nothing more. In most of Linda’s sense she is viewed in or around the house. She is mainly found in the living room, bedroom, and kitchen throughout the play. Often times her stage directions will be â€Å"carrying a washbin† or always retrieving what other character’s need. Stage directions within just the first few lines indicated that Linda was â€Å"taking off [Willy’s] shoes† for him. Linda was always working hard to keep the men around her happy and living in comfort. During this time this was a trait all women tried to fulfill. Linda’s relationship with Willy is the most obvious evidence of the view of women within this time. Willy is a symbol of the typical man who takes advantage of the women in his life and relies on them for comfort and support while giving them nothing in return. Linda constantly refers to her husband as â€Å"dear† or â€Å"darling† while he shows her no mutual treatment of affection. She will constantly make excuses for Willy to hide his temperament and that shows her infinite patience. This shows that Linda is not willing to go against Willy in any way even if it was to stand up for herself, she will not go against his word. Every step Linda takes, is in order to make Willy feel comfortable, constantly complementing him saying â€Å"Willy, darling, you’re the handsomest man in the world†. It is evident that the affection from a woman was much for present then that from the man. She is also seen constantly worrying for her husband and family, but not for herself. She will go out of her way to make sure Willy has everything he needs before he leaves the house and will remind him of small things saying â€Å"Be careful on the subway stairs† as if he was just a boy. The woman figure is presented as the one that must tend to everyone else’s needs and make sure that everyone else is well prepared. The women are also views, as the one’s that keep the men in their lives back from pursuing a life beyond the home. When Willy longs to go out to Alaska for a life of adventure, Linda begs him to â€Å"stay with her and the children. † Since the women are seen as such subservient wives who are entirely tied to the home, when Willy hopes to leave the comforts of home she attempts to convince him that everything around home can not get any better than what it already is. Not only will she respond this way to only Willy, but also for the sake of Willy she will react quite differently to her sons. She shouts, â€Å"Don’t you care whether Willy lives or dies? †. Even in the midst of trying to convince herself that Willy’s affair was not true, Linda will do anything to protect Willy. She demands her children to have respect just as she does towards Willy, whether it was respect deserved or not. The male figure is viewed as the selfish man who does not take consideration to the ones around them, taking complete advantage of every situation, treating there wives as toys and disrespecting them to the extreme and having affairs. Linda is made to be a wife who at all cost, no matter what the situation, will always stay nothing but loyal to her husband. Miller suggests those women are not only to be submissive to men, but also truly have no identity apart from them. Therefore, in essence the men are seen to have ultimate control over every situation and the women in their lives while the women are intentionally submissive. A woman only has purpose in a man, yet she will â€Å"hold the man back† so he inevitably will resent her basically either way, woman is destined for a life trying to â€Å"work† for her husband’s â€Å"love. Linda was always limited to what she could do, along with what she said. Arthur Miller showed how one-dimensional a women’s life was just to prove she was worthy of a home and family. Linda was never granted the right to stand up for her self, and even if the opportunity was present it would have not been taken, do to disrespecting Willy in his home. During this time this was a trait all women strived to fulfill.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Complete Guide on Writing a Business Studies Research Paper 5 Secrets Behind It

A Complete Guide on Writing a Business Studies Research Paper 5 Secrets Behind It The research of business affairs is not as simple as it can seem for a professor with a business degree, who has written many research papers on Business Studies. Research is vital to the business major. Every student, who needs to write a business studies research paper, should remember that it differs from a common piece of writing. A research paper is a special type of writing that demands some considerable practical skills, serious practice and systematic approach. Is there really a secret of success in writing a great business research paper? This business studies research paper guide is your helping hand in writing your business studies research paper. It is devoted to helping students identify a research topic, the main components of a research paper and effective strategies for writing. Use our help efficiently to make sure that academic success is waiting for in the near future. Choose Good Business Research Topics to Write on Like many academic papers, the aim of a research paper is to perform a detailed examination of a specific research question/issue. Business studies research papers cover a broad range of subjects, such as Accounting, Business Administration, Law or Ethics, and many other fields in which many interesting topics are found. A topic, which an instructor thinks fit, may be assigned to a student, but most often instructors enable students to select a topic of interest. According to the education research by the United Nations, the flexibility in learning leads to deeper student motivation and engagement. As a result, it plays a central role in making education in the 21st century successful. However, the task to choose a good topic on Business Studies alone can be a challenge for many students. One of those who struggle with selecting a topic on your own? Don’t worry! If a good idea for business topics doesnt go to you, you must go to it, for example, on our website. We can offer you the opportunity to find the perfect topic for a research paper on Business Studies. In fact, you should choose a research topic with a great amount of detail, plus a topic you will feel comfortable writing on. Only in these cases, it is easier to complete a research paper. We’re ready to provide you with the list of business research topics with concrete details you can include in your research paper. Besides, the suggested topics are from various business disciplines you can study within Business Studies. Accounting Accounting Cycle: How to Measure and Report Financial Information about an Enterprise? An Effective Accounting Policy on the Basis of the Financial Reporting of a Company Advertising Online Advertising: The Reality of Self-Regulation; An Advertisings Effect on the Brand Credibility: X Attitudes Towards to an Ad Authenticity; The Advertising Revolution: Is a Delicate Balance of Art and Science, Creativity, and Analytics Created? Business Administration 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Forming a Company into a Corporation; X Tough Administrative Management Challenges: A Proper Coordination; An Organizational Strategic Analysis on Start-ups: X Recommendations for Its Growth. International Business Trade War: What Companies Risk Losing Dominance Today? Global Supply Chain Management’s Aims in the Context of International Companies Know the Structure of a Business Research Paper Every academic paper has a structure. Most instructors give the assignment requirements on how a research paper should be structured. For that reason, you should examine the paper instructions carefully to follow during the writing process. In general, your research paper on Business Studies should have an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion sections. At this point the business studies research paper tip sounds like: review each section in detail what data you need to include. Introduction. Provide the background for the research paper on a particular topic. Every detail that is needed to understand a topic should be included. For example, there are many key terms in E-Commerce that you need to explain in your research paper if it is your area of interest. Don’t leave your readers in the dark. If you deal with the topic ‘The Advertising Revolution’, give some historical information on it. Besides, you should work on your thesis statement as a transition to the body paragraphs. Literature review. Sometimes, the information in a particular subject area should be presented within a certain time period. As Business Studies is a relatively ‘young’ discipline, this time period is limited by the late 20th and the 21st centuries. But there are about 13,000 business schools in the world that contribute to some extensive research in this field. So, you have enough texts to mention in your literature review. However, you need to take a step-by-step approach towards writing a literature review on Business Studies. Methodology. Explain how you conduct research on Business Studies to investigate an issue, to find out something new in the area under discussion. All inventions are meant to be possible for an update in the future provided that you are able to explain all the approaches and methods used in the research paper properly. Even if you don’t intend to come up with some innovations, you need to summarize some findings after researching a particular topic. Try to use the most effective business research methods. Results. You write a research paper on Business Studies with different aims to analyze, compare or contrast, explain, etc. Depending on the objectives of the study, there are some results of your study. For example, in organizational strategic analysis, you need to come up with the results concerning the current position of business matters. Discussion. After you have the research results, you’re ready to discuss them in a separate section. The most important point in this part is to explain what you found in relation to the thesis statement (the main idea of your research paper). There should be a compelling logic of your interpretations. Conclusion. It is a part where you relate your findings to other potential research and to the world at large. You should summarize briefly the main points of your research paper, then give some recommendations for further researches. Our Writers Advise: Have an Outline Created Before Writing a Research Paper Having an outline is the best way of dealing with largely written assignments, to which a research paper is included as well. The flow of thoughts can be endless that makes the writing process challenging for most. Keep it simple when an outline is in front of you. All your data collected from information sources can be properly organized. The research paper structure is previously mentioned. So, there shouldn’t be any difficulties in creating a good outline for a business research paper. You don’t need to work on the entire paper at the same time. With your paper outline, you can choose where you begin and end. The most effective order of sections writing is as follows: Know Where to Look for Information Due to a variety of information sources, it is easy to get confused with the information gathered. Some data is reliable, some needs proof such as an authors’ qualification in the field, the evidence and its applicability, up-to-dateness and so on. The University Libraries has the info about the reliability of sources available today. Keep in mind that using Wikipedia is still unproven idea to provide well-reasoned arguments or discussion, etc. based on the strong pieces of evidence. Some sources that can be useful for your research paper on Business Studies include the following: Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business Research; International Chamber of Commerce; Journal of Business Research. Know How to Revise a Research Paper Without the final touches on your writing, you can lose some marks as the slightest mistakes spoil the overall impression of your academic work. What errors occurring to a research paper can disappoint your instructor? If you want to have a well-written business research paper, it is better to consider its quality before submitting it to your instructor. Answer the question objectively, ‘Is my business studies research paper worth of an A+ grade?’ If you doubt, pass through a checklist while revising your paper. You should determine: Have I done everything according to the requirements? Usually, it happens that too little attention is drawn to the assignment requirements. As a result, not high marks are given. You have probably the last minute to review your instructions to make sure that you stick to them properly. Does my business research paper have an appropriate structure? In this case, we can keep calm because if you read this guide attentively, you have all the essentials of a proper structure for a business research paper. Now, it is your turn to make sure whether you manage to follow it while writing. Is it easy to read my business research paper? If no, avoid vague words and sentence structures that may make your readers confused. A word-level clarity plays a crucial role in perception of the whole paper. So, wordiness and clichà ©s aren’t your ‘best friends’! A matter of word choice can occur the cases when you misuse a word. Among commonly confused words, you’ll find ‘accept’/‘except’ or ‘effect’/‘affect’. You can watch the video to avoid the common spelling mistakes and word misuse. Have I made clear transitions between paragraphs? Without the logical sequence of paragraphs, you can lose the readers’ attention. What makes the sequence of paragraph logical? Logical transition words, like ‘On the one hand’ and ‘On the other hand’, ‘Additionally’, ‘However’, etc. Make sure you have them in your text. Have I used an appropriate academic tone in my writing? The usage of the 3rd person enables you to show that your writing is quite objective to be considered as an academic writing. Moreover, consider the use of tenses. In most cases, you need to use present tenses. Avoid contractions in academic writing as well. Have I cited quotes, and ideas from sources appropriately? Keep an eye out for formatting your research paper, be it an APA or MLA. Once you see a style pattern, you can develop techniques for formatting the future academic text. In the meantime, keep the style tutorials or an experienced editor handy. You see that business research paper writing is quite challenging it MUST be a well-researched, detail-oriented, well-structured paper. This guide gives you 5 secrets of successful research paper writing. Indeed, there is one more secret that can be valuable for everyone who appreciates the time and own efforts. It is a service of our professional writing staff. Believe it or not, many students ask for help with research paper writing from our skilled writers. Be one of those who succeeds in academic writing and if necessary our writing tutors will help you.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Clichés Dont Belong in Professional Writing

Clichà ©s Dont Belong in Professional Writing Clichà ©s Don’t Belong in Professional Writing Clichà ©s Don’t Belong in Professional Writing By Mary Some of the common clichà © phrases that we find ourselves using every day do not belong in professional writing. This has become abundantly clear to me as it has become more commonplace for me to work with international clients. As an American, I am familiar with the intended meaning of a number of common sayings that really don’t make much sense when interpreted literally or translated into another language. I was writing an e-mail message to a client in another country, and I found myself typing something to the effect of making sure we were â€Å"on the same page.† I stopped and look at what I wrote, and realized that what I wrote wasn’t really what I meant. The next day, I found myself writing an e-mail to a co-worker that said that I wasn’t â€Å"at the top of my game† that day. Hmm †¦ another phrase that really doesn’t make sense if you don’t know the implied meaning. Someone not familiar with American vernacular would not be likely to understand these phrases. Even if my clients and business associates do know what I mean when I use clichà ©d phrases like these, they might find it not professional. Look at the phrases that you use when you write and see if they make sense when translated literally. If they don’t, replace them with language that is clear and direct, with no room for misunderstanding. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Mostly Small But Expressive InterjectionsConfused Words #3: Lose, Loose, LossWhen to Spell Out Numbers

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Iran's Collection Capabilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Iran's Collection Capabilities - Essay Example This complex part came first followed the simpler version a year later. The cyber-weapon was discovered in a short period signifying Iranian CYBERINT capability. Stuxnet’s was designed to enhance speed and breakage.2 The effect of this was countered by ‘Protection systems’ that checked the abnormal process threatening the health and environment processes.3 In Natanz, Iranian authority established a unique system. The system was meant to offer protection and sustenance to the uranium enrichment. This used unreliable and obsolete equipment, the IR-1 centrifuge.4 The IR-1s is a weighty and critical protection system of the Iranian enrichment program without which the program would be vulnerable and useless. However, the IR-1 centrifuge the centrifuge at Natanz has slowed enrichment of centrifuge, but it is more reliable from attack than its predecessors are.5 Langner, Ralph. "The realprogram to sabotage Irans nuclear facilities was far more sophisticated than anyone realized." Foreign Policy. November 19, 2013. (Accessed April 20,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Analysis - Case Study Example Moreover, his state of having suffered soft muscle tissue damage does not stop him from achieving positive business target. On the other hand, Peter is also ambitious to launch a satellite communication system as part of demonstration of his course. The above is an indication of both personal and physically oriented entrepreneurial characteristic that is also very important for the business sustainability especially during low returns. Despite having been very close friends and learnt in a similar high school, the nature of financial support of the two colleagues is quite distinct. Besides, such an issue does not bar the two friends from achieving financial relationship necessary for a prospective development and sophisticated transformed network. With an effort towards achieving business obligation and future prosperity, Mooney turned down Peter’s offer to purchase for him an electric car and instead decided to invest the amount into the business productive line. It is within the interest of business that the two friends decide to partner with Paul who in turn identifies a vibrant franchise opportunity to a Culligan water treatment system where most parts of the business progress undergo initiation. With the increasing pressure and plans to achieve the business targets, the marketing part of the business as illustrated, the case sees the initiative getting integrated to a prominent business Culligan Man, who is a well know a business person. The above idea shows that a business does not come by investing capital alone, but also by motivating the customers that the business is at the interest of the society. Having conceptualized all the entrepreneurial risks, source of the labor force for water treatment plant was sourced from the business owner. The above shows that the owners have a lot of commitment to the realization of the business objectives. The main source of capital for the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

BRIEF OF CASE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

BRIEF OF CASE - Essay Example The petitioner appeals but the Court of Special Appeals concludes that the Circuit court’s decision in favor of the Bank is legally correct. FACTS: The plaintiff Jeff E. Messing sued the Bank of America in court for refusal of a cash withdrawal over the counter through a check drawn on the bank because of the bank’s Thumbprint Signature Program for non-customers. Under the Thumbprint Signature Program, a bank requests non-customer presenters of checks over the counter to place an ‘‘inkless’’ thumbprint or fingerprint on the face of the check as part of the identification process. HOLDING:  § 3-501b (2) and (3). (2)Upon demand of the person to whom presentment is made, the person making presentment must (1) exhibit the instrument, (2) give reasonable identification and, if presentment is made on behalf of another person reasonable evidence of authority to do so, and (3) sign a receipt on the instrument for any payment made or surrender the instrument if full payment is made. (3)Without dishonoring the instrument, the party to whom presentment is made may (1) return the instrument for lack of a necessary indorsement, or (2) refuse payment or acceptance for failure of the presentment to comply with the terms of the instrument, an agreement of the parties or other applicable law or rule. RATIONALE: The reduction of risk promotes the expansion of commercial practices, bringing to the conclusion the direction of  § 1-102 (2) (b) that a bank’s requirement of a thumbprint placed upon a check presented over the counter by a non-customer is

Monday, October 28, 2019

Compare and Contrast Essay Example for Free

Compare and Contrast Essay Love is an emotion that deeply alters a person’s thought-process. This emotion can bring out the best of people or even make them question who they are and what they’re willing to give up for the person they love. In Judith Ortiz Cofer’s short story â€Å"Catch the Moon†, she suggests that love can change a person for the better by making them want to improve themselves. However, in W. D. Wetherell’s short story â€Å"The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant†, he suggests that love can make a person try to be someone they are not, ultimately leading in disappointment and regret. Although both authors center their stories on the topic of love, they differ greatly from their character conflicts, character changes, conflict resolutions, and their themes. In â€Å"Catching the Moon†, Luis Cintron and his father constantly argue and never get along very well. However, when Luis meets this girl named Naomi, he experiences an emotion that reconnects him with his dad. Meeting Naomi causes Luis to experience love—an emotion he hasn’t felt since the death of his mother—and causes him to want to develop better character because he knows that his mother would want him to be happy. In order to prove his improved character to both Naomi and his dad, Luis searches all night for a hubcap that will match the one that Naomi is looking for. After hours of searching, Luis finally finds the hub cap and rushes to bring it to Naomi. Cofer states that Luis, â€Å"†¦waited to give her [Naomi] the first good thing he had given any one in a long time† (Cofer, pg. 240). This quote demonstrates that because of his new love, Luis was ready to change his personality for the better and that love can truly reconnect old flames from within oneself. â€Å"The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant† portrays a different message than that of â€Å"Catching the Moon†. In this short story, the narrator faces an internal conflict between choosing over his two passions—Sheila Mant and fishing. The narrator has always dreamed about impressing Sheila Mant, but he wavers when Sheila criticizes fishing for being dumb and boring. Regardless of her opinion, the narrator continues his mission of impressing Sheila by taking her on a boat ride and going to a popular party. On the way to the party, a fish gets caught on the fishing line the narrator left out  on the boat, and by the struggle the fish puts up, he knows that it’s the bass he’s been waiting all summer to catch. Emotions rush through his head, and even though the narrator has waited all summer for this fish, he chooses Sheila instead. The narrator cuts the line, goes to the party with Sheila, and has his heart broken when she chooses to ditch him for another guy. From this experience, the narrator learns that there are plenty of fish in the sea and that he shouldn’t have changed himself just to get a girl to like him. He even goes on to say that, â€Å"There would be other Sheila Mants in my life, other fish, and though I came close once or twice, it was those secret, hidden tugging in the night that claimed me, and I never made the same mistake again† (Wetherell, pg. 150). This quote demonstrates the story’s theme of not changing who you are for love because it will only result in regret and disappointment. Love is a very complex emotion. There are a lot of rules and regulations to love, as well as a lot of exceptions to these rules. All in all, in order to have a happy relationship, one must do want makes oneself happy. If someone’s happiness is put in jeopardy just because of a relationship, then the relationship was definitely not meant to be. In other words, when entering a relationship, don’t choose the better boy or girl; choose the boy or girl that will make you a better person. Works Cited Cofer, Judith Ortiz. Catch the Moon. 2003. Holt Literature and Language Arts. 4th ed. Austin, Texas: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2003. 234-40. Print. W. D. Wetherell. The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant. 2003. Holt Literature and Language Arts. 4th ed. Austin, Texas: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2003. 245-50. Print.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Education Over Censorship Essay -- School Technology Essays

Education Over Censorship Remember when you were a kid and you discovered something taboo or something that was considered adult? Didn’t it seem wrong, but exciting at the same time? It was something that was kept from your eyes or ears, but you were able to find it again when you wanted to. This is why there’s censorship in the world. There are things out there that children shouldn’t see. But determining what kids shouldn’t see has been plaguing our society forever. If we censor certain mediums just so kids can’t see them, then adults are also restricted. It’s like burning the house down to roast the pig. But, what if children were educated better? Even if they were educated about the taboo subjects such as pornography or obscenity, it could result in a society where these subjects weren’t taboo. Just blocking anything that has to do with sex, for example, could harm a child’s ability to learn important lessons about sex. If children are educated better, both at home and in school, censorship doesn’t have to be used and the idea of free speech could be respected much better than it is now. Unfortunately, when all those old dead presidents wrote the constitution over 200 years ago, they didn’t have TV, radio, or the internet. The fact that all the first amendment says is that congress can’t stop the freedom of speech or the press leaves this amendment open to endless debate over how it should be translated to modern day terms. If only Thomas Jefferson had in mind the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and the porn industry on the internet when he helped write the constitution. The Communications Decency Act was a huge block of nearly anything remotely obscene on the internet in order to protect the interests of minors. Among other... ...ble <>. (8 December 1999). Kristol, Irving. "Liberal Censoship and the Common Culture."l Society Sep/Oct 1999: 5-11. EBSCOhost MasterFILE Premier. Available <>. (8 December 1999). Meecks, Brock N. "The Obscenity of Decency." HotWired and Wired Privacy Archive. <>. (8 December 1999).] Melillo, Wendy. "Block Shot." Brandweek 6 September 1999: pIQ12. EBSCOhost MasterFILE Premier. Available <>. (8 December 1999). Storck, Thomas. "Censorship Can Be Beneficial." Censorship: Opposing Viewpoints Eds. David Bender, et al. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Wallace, Jonathan D. "Pervasive Problem." Reason October 1998: 52-58. EBSCOhost MasterFILE Premier. Available <>. (8 December 1999).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Change management reflective review Essay

The main agenda to write this critique is to give the reflection review of the change management. This report explains the self evaluation of my experience by attending the sessions of change management. I found out that change management is a very important subject that helps us to understand the need of change in an organisation and how it can be successfully achieved. It helps us in getting new experiences of our lives and provides us with the complete knowledge to experience the good or bad changes in our personal lives as well. It also provides the techniques, skills and principal in order to manage the change in a positive way. SELF-EVALUATION: The study of this subject is very helpful for me in every aspect. As it helps me to understand the principles of change, methods to be used while implementing change, challenges faced in order to implement the change and how the main organisational change could be implementing in an organisation effectively and efficiently. Even the study of change management is useful in my personal life as well. The self-awareness and self-management are those tools that help me to adopt any change in my personal life easily. Hence, it helps in developing my self-analysis abilities in order to establish and implement plans in my personal as well as professional life, in the period of change. As I got the chance to work with multicultural members in the group, it helps me in enhancing my abilities and even with the distribution of work among the group members, everyone enjoyed the work and even the workload also get reduced. KEY COMPETENCIES OF THE CHANGE PRACTITIONER/AGENT AND COMPARISON WITH MY COMPETENCIES: A change agent or practitioner is that person who helps the organisation internally as well as externally in order to implement change while focusing on effectiveness, development and improvement of the organisation. The main focus of the change agent is on the change in the technology and organisational structure and in order to implement the change effectively, they focus on the human resource of the organisation and their reactions as well. (Kanter, 1999) A change practitioner needs to have these competencies in order to be the best in his field: Trustworthiness: Being a change agent, the first and foremost thing that is important for an agent is to earn the trust and respect from the organisation’s members. It is a fact that when the agent  will achieve the respect and trust of the members then only they will be seriously looking for his advice and may implement in their decision as well. Advanced communication skills: After the planning of the change, the most important task is to implement the change. For implementing a change, the change and need for the change has to be communicated with the employees. Hence, a change agent has to be a person with good and advanced communication skills, as lack of communication may cause rumour in the company and may lead to the failure of the change process. Emotional Intelligence: A person can only manage others if he is having the ability to manage himself. If a person is self-aware and self-regulated, then only he can be a good change leader. Emotional intelligence is very important while helping others in implementing change. (Goleman, 2011). Knowledge of theories, concepts and methods: In order to be a good change agent, one must have the complete knowledge of the change theories, its concepts and the various methods that could be used in implementing the change in the best possible manner. If a change agent is not well aware with the theories of the change or methods of implementing change, than he is not be able to provide the organisation with the best output and may result in the wastage of time as well as money of the organisation. (Linda Miller, 2011) When I compare all these key competencies of the change agent with my competencies, I found out that I am a person who is trustworthy as my fellow friends and group members trust on me in our all the group tasks and even in personal life as well. I do have good communication skills as well, as I am able to communicate well with others and always ready to hear them also. I am a person who is emotionally balanced and intelligence as well. I never used to mix my emotions while implementing any change in my life. The only area where I lack is the complete knowledge of concepts, theories and methods of change. PERSONAL RESPONSE TO CHANGE: According to my perception I am a person who will accept the change easily and will not resist to it. As we all are aware with the fact that change is always for our good and if I will be getting something good for me and my workplace I will never resist to that change. Even being a management student I like to do something new and innovative to enhance my skills and abilities also. With the continuous change in the technology and working criteria one has to easily adoptable to change also, as it will ease the workload for him and his organisation as well. With this competitive world I think it is best to adapt the change with an ease to remove all the hassles and to work with more effectiveness and efficiency. I love to learn something new and that’s why I welcome the change easily and try to achieve my goals according to that as well. LEADING CHANGE EFFORTS: A person who is leading the change has to be the one who is good at planning, organising and who is having good leadership qualities as well. He has to be a person who is having that much influence on the management that they will easily accept the change. While leading a change effort according to my perception, I would like to choose the pathfinder as a practitioner’s work style. The pathfinder style of practitioner is that one which pursues high degree of employee satisfaction and effectiveness of plan as well. It is believed higher satisfaction can only be achieved when all the members are involved in the process and with the help of teamwork problem solving is being done. The main focus of this style is to maximise the employees’ participation and because of this, this is the ideal style for leading change efforts. (Waddell, 2000). ETHICS AND THE CHANGE PROCESS: Ethical issues in the change is basically related to how the change practitioners are able to perform their best while keeping in mind the value and beliefs of the organisation’s members and work according to that in order to maintain a healthy relationship with them. Being a change agent I will always try to avoid ethical dilemmas, but sometime it occurs. (Rhodeback, 1992). Some of the ethical dilemmas are: Misrepresentation: It only occurs when one or both parties are working under wrong pretence. It only occurs while entering and contracting periods of the change process. To avoid this change agent has to clearly communicate the change process and interventions to the members at the earliest. (Waddell, 2000) Misuse of data: The only reason due to which this ethical dilemma occurs is the punitive use of the collected data. The change agent has to be aware with the amount of data that should be given to the members while working on the change process at the larger scale and need to respect the privacy of others as well. The data should be used in only effective manner for the betterment  of the organisation not for the harm for the organisation or its employees. (Waddell, 2000) CONCLUSION: In a nutshell, I would like to say that change management is that subject which helps us to get to know the various aspects, theories and methods of change and the need of change as well. It helps us to adapt the change easily and to minimise the resistance for the change. We all are living in a world, where thing are used to change on a daily basis and to survive in this type of world one need to be the person who could easily accept the change and could work on that as well. With the self evaluation, I come to know about my inner abilities also, with which I was unaware till now. References Goleman, D. (2011, september 15). Daniel Goleman on leadership and the power of emotional intelligence. Retrieved from www. Kanter, R. M. (1999). The Enduring Skills of Chnage Leaders. Linda Miller, C. c. (2011). Professionalization, Leadership and Management in the Early Years. London: Sage Publications. Rhodeback, W. a. (1992). Ethical dilemmas in organisational development: a cross-cultural analysis. Journal of business ethics,11 , 663-70. Waddell, D. M. (2000). Organisation Development & Change. Melbourne: Thomson Learning Australia.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Succubus on Top CHAPTER 7

We stood rooted in the bedroom, frozen, both of us too terrified to blink. Downstairs, the door shut and footsteps could be clearly heard on the hardwood floor. A low murmur of voices drifted up, the words inaudible. â€Å"What are we going to do?† I whispered. Invisible we might be, but I still didn't want to slink through the house with others around. It would also make leaving inconspicuously a problem. Bastien frowned, apparently trying to discern the words below. â€Å"Those are all male voices. Not Dana. Come on.† He grabbed my arm, and we crept out into the hallway where we could hear more clearly. â€Å"You sure they aren't coming home?† asked an anxious voice. â€Å"Yup. They'll be out 'til, like, midnight.† â€Å"Cool.† Bastien grinned at me. â€Å"Reese,† he breathed. Reese. The son. The son who was supposed to be down the street at a friend's house. That was better than Dana, but still disconcerting. I shot Bastien a questioning look. What's he doing here? I mouthed. Bastien shrugged by way of answer and gestured for me to follow him the rest of the way downstairs. Reese and his friend obliviously made enough noise to cover any of our movements. I hadn't really seen Reese yet and was curious. I'd expected a clean-cut, dutiful altar-boy type, but he seemed perfectly average – in that sullen, T-shirt wearing sort of way. He had Dana's black hair and blue eyes, paired with some of Bill's unfortunate facial features. His friend had long hair and wore a beat-up army coat with jeans. â€Å"Where should we do it?† asked the friend. Reese glanced around. â€Å"Outside. Otherwise they'll smell it later.† â€Å"Okay. But roll it in here.† They huddled around the kitchen table. Reese produced a tin of rolling papers and a plastic Baggie with enough marijuana in it to keep a family of five stoned for a week. The friend skillfully rolled an enormous joint, and the boys took it outside, going out the same door we'd come in. Bastien and I exchanged glances, both of us barely holding back hysterical laughter. We walked into the still-dark living room and stood at the window, watching the boys outside. They left all the outdoor lights off, not wanting to attract neighborly attention. The joint made a pinpoint of orange light in the blackness as they passed it back and forth. â€Å"Oh my God,† I gasped. â€Å"This just justified the whole break-in.† Bastien's expression was speculative. â€Å"Maybe we can use this against her.† I turned on him. â€Å"What? Come on. He's just a kid. No need to drag him down with her. Besides, if I had his parents, I'd want to be high too. â€Å" Bastien looked momentarily uncertain, finally yielding with a small nod. â€Å"Okay. You're right. So. You want to finish the bedroom and then head out? I doubt they're going to notice much going on around them. â€Å" We went back upstairs, still hoping for some incriminating photo or piece of paper. No such luck. We left Reese and his friend alone, using the front door to make our getaway. Once we were safely back at Bastien's, we settled into the immaculate living room, defeated. â€Å"Well. That was pointless,† I said. â€Å"Not entirely.† Bastien reached into his pocket and tossed over Reese's plastic bag. I caught it and straightened up in my chair. â€Å"Jesus H. Christ! You swiped that poor kid's pot?† â€Å"He shouldn't have left it out like that.† I held it up. It was half-full. â€Å"There's a special hell for people like you.† â€Å"Yeah, I own a condo there. Besides, it's for his own good. Pot's a gateway drug, you know. â€Å" â€Å"I can't believe this. You don't think they're going to notice this is missing?† â€Å"Nah. By the time they come back in, they'll be so far gone they won't remember where they left it. They'll spend the next few days accusing each other of losing it.† I shook my head. â€Å"I know I've said it before, but this really is a new low. I†¦I'm so shocked now, I don't even know what to do.† â€Å"7 do.† An hour later, we were both on the floor, giggling endlessly, though I wasn't entirely sure what about. Bastien passed the joint to me, and I took a hit off it, sighing happily. I handed it back. â€Å"I'm not saying Monique wasn't a bitch,† he was explaining, â€Å"but you have to admit, she knew how to get things done.† I leaned against the back of the couch, letting my head roll around on the cushions. â€Å"Yeah, but†¦she was†¦you know, sloppy. Like, no creativity whatsoever. Being in the business isn't just about sex. It's about†¦pride†¦pride in your work.† He inhaled and passed the joint back. â€Å"Oh, she had pride in her work, believe me. Used to ride me like a horse.† He paused a moment, then started laughing. â€Å"She totally did me proud.† I sat back up. â€Å"What, you slept with her?† â€Å"Sure, why not?† I poked him with my foot. â€Å"You fucking slut.† â€Å"Look who's calling the cauldron black.† â€Å"Kettle. It's a kettle. Get your metaphors right. â€Å" â€Å"That wasn't a metaphor. It was a, you know†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He stared off into space, blinking. â€Å"One of those things that's symbolic of another thing. But isn't the same thing. Just like it.† â€Å"You mean a metaphor?† â€Å"No! It's like a story†¦like†¦a proverb! That's it.† â€Å"I'm pretty sure that wasn't a proverb. Maybe it was an analogy. â€Å" â€Å"I don't think so.† â€Å"Look, I know these things. I work in a – oh!† â€Å"Oh what?† â€Å"How am I going to get home?† â€Å"You're leaving? Or is that an analogy?† â€Å"I'm not leaving yet†¦but you drove me†¦you can't drive me back.† â€Å"Sure I can. I feel fine.† â€Å"You wish. I haven't smoked that much.† I rummaged through my purse, found my cell phone, and dialed the first number in it. Beside me, Bastien muttered about analogies while staring entranced at the smoke swirling off the joint. â€Å"Hello?† answered Seth. We hadn't really spoken since our awkward morning. â€Å"Hey, it's me.† â€Å"Hey.† â€Å"So†¦I, uh†¦need a favor.† â€Å"What is it?† When I didn't say anything right away, he asked, â€Å"You still there? You okay?† â€Å"Yeah†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I started laughing uncontrollably. â€Å"I am 50 okay.† â€Å"Urn, all right. What do you need?† It took me a moment to remember. â€Å"A ride.† â€Å"A ride?† â€Å"Yeah. A ride.† Bastien made a rude gesture at the mention of â€Å"a ride,† and I kicked him again. I gave the address to a clearly confused Seth and then disconnected. â€Å"Idiot!† I yelled at Bastien, even though I thought the whole situation was hilarious, as did he. I went in for a tackle. â€Å"What were you – â€Å" The doorbell rang. Our eyes went wide as we froze mid-grapple, panic flooding us like two kids who had just been busted hardcore. â€Å"Shit,† I said. â€Å"Damn. That author drives fast.† â€Å"It's not him, you dork. Don't move. They'll go away.† He lumbered to his feet. â€Å"No†¦I gotta see who it is†¦maybe it's Jack Daniels†¦could use a drink†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Don't do it!† I begged, suddenly terrified for no reason I could identify. He turned invisible and strolled over to the door. Half a second later, he came tearing back. â€Å"It's Dana! She's back early.† He ran his hand frantically over Mitch's neat, blonde hair. â€Å"What's she want? What's she doing here?† â€Å"Maybe she wants Reese's pot back.† â€Å"This is my chance! She's here alone. She wants me. Quick.† He yanked my arm and dragged me to the stairs. I cried out in surprise. â€Å"Get out of sight. Throw that away.† â€Å"I'm not throwing this away! Besides, you don't think she'll notice that your whole fucking house smells like this? Jesus. Your pupils are the size of her granny panties. Virtuous or not, she isn't stupid.† â€Å"Just go! Hurry! Don't come down.† Grumbling, I went upstairs while Bastien scurried to the door. Turning invisible, I sat cross-legged at the top of the stairs and kept smoking. Below, I heard him greet Dana. â€Å"Well, hello,† he bellowed. â€Å"Sorry if I kept you waiting†¦I was†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He trailed off stupidly, and I shook my head. Sloppy, sloppy. He would have never been at a loss for words sober, but then, his sober self would have immediately noticed the foolishness afoot. â€Å"I was†¦um, busy. Upstairs.† â€Å"I see,† replied Dana. Her tone was once again set to cool and formal. I decided Bastien had imagined the warm and friendly rapport he kept claiming they had when alone. â€Å"Well, I apologize for disturbing you, but when I dropped off the cookies earlier, I think I may have lost an earring.† I straightened up. Cookies? He hadn't mentioned that. Maybe he was making progress after all. Cookies. I wondered what kind she'd brought. Peanut butter? Chocolate chip? Oh. Maybe even white chocolate macadamia. He and Dana commenced a search for the earring, coming up empty. The whole time, Bastien tried to act like he wasn't stoned, but Dana couldn't have been fooled. Not with those cyborg eyes of hers. Hell, I didn't even need to see it. The audio track alone was entertaining enough. Meanwhile, I couldn't stop thinking about those goddamned cookies. They sounded good. Really good. Suddenly, I wanted them more than I'd ever wanted anything in my life. â€Å"Well,† I heard Dana say, â€Å"I must have lost it somewhere else. Thanks for looking.† â€Å"Sorry I couldn't help you.† â€Å"It's all right.† She allowed an elegantly crafted pause. â€Å"Isn't that Tabitha's purse over there? Is she here?† Oh, shit. I had a feeling Bastien was thinking the same thing. â€Å"Uh, well, yeah†¦but†¦um, she's upstairs lying down,† he faltered. â€Å"Has a headache.† â€Å"Oh, that's too bad. Did she take anything for it?† â€Å"Um, yeah, she did.† I looked at the joint. Had I ever. Bastien and Dana started talking about something else, and I decided then that I had to get those cookies. I was starving. The lovebirds sounded like they had moved to the living room, so I could sneak invisibly down the stairs and raid the kitchen without them knowing. Standing up, I put the joint out in the upstairs bathroom and moved on to my covert descent. Pot doesn't usually mess with motor control the way alcohol can, but it can certainly distract you from ordinary things. Like watching where you're going. About three steps down, my foot slipped out from under me. I uttered a sailor-worthy expletive and slid painfully down the rest of the way, landing hard on my butt at the bottom, my legs twisting into unnatural positions underneath me. I had barely enough sense to snap back to a visible Tabitha, lest Bastien and Dana think a clumsy ghost had just fallen down. A moment later, they came running. â€Å"What happened?† exclaimed Bastien. He sounded more upset about the interruption than my immediate health. â€Å"I†¦I tripped†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Looking down, I tried moving my left ankle to a more comfortable position. I winced. It hurt like hell, but at least it moved. â€Å"Well,† he said crisply, â€Å"so long as you're okay. I'm sure you'll want to go and – â€Å" â€Å"Okay?† Dana gave him an incredulous look. â€Å"We need to get her to the couch so she can straighten that out.† â€Å"Oh no,† I protested, seeing Bastien's murderous expression. â€Å"I†¦I'm fine†¦really†¦Ã¢â‚¬  But there was no arguing with Dana. She supported me under one arm, and he took the other. I hobbled over to the couch, putting my weight only on the right foot. Once I was stretched out, she pushed my jeans up over my calf and felt the ankle with cautious, expert precision, carefully examining each inch. I appreciated her solicitous concern and apparent first-aid know-how, but the thought of this wretched woman touching my leg repulsed me. Besides, what I really wanted were those cookies. Fuck my ankle. â€Å"It doesn't feel broken,† she finally decided. â€Å"Probably just a sprain, lucky for you. We should ice it.† When Bastien neither did nor offered anything useful, she went into the kitchen. I could hear her opening drawers and the freezer. â€Å"Do you hate me or something?† he hissed once we were alone. â€Å"This wasn't my fault,† I countered. â€Å"I think you've got a defective stair.† â€Å"Defective my ass. The only thing that's defective is your sense of timing. Do you know how close I was to scoring?† â€Å"Close? Close? Not to use a cliche, but hell was closer to freezing over than you were to scoring. I don't think she really goes for the babbling, high kind of guy.† â€Å"I wasn't babbling. And there's no way she knows I'm high.† â€Å"Oh, come on. If you were any higher, you'd – â€Å" I shut my mouth as Dana returned with the ice pack. She knelt by my feet and carefully set the pack on the injured ankle. I grimaced at the sudden change of temperature, but the shocking cold did numb the throbbing. Still concerned, she surveyed the rest of my lower leg with those sharp eyes. Again, she felt around the ankle area, her hands gently touching here and there. She frowned. â€Å"I could be wrong about how serious it is. You should keep icing it and take ibuprofen. If it doesn't get better in a couple days, go see your doctor.† â€Å"Thanks,† I said, looking away. Honestly, what I found most disconcerting now was how sincerely concerned she seemed. Maybe we'd misjudged her all along. Nah. â€Å"Well,† breezed Bastien, â€Å"if Tabby Cat's okay, maybe we should go to the kitchen and have some coffee – â€Å" â€Å"Do you know how it happened?† Dana asked me, ignoring him. â€Å"Oh†¦just a misstep I think†¦or maybe the stair is defective.† â€Å"I doubt there's anything wrong with the stairs,† said Bastien. â€Å"Tabitha's always been clumsy, that's all. It's legendary in our family.† Dana, oblivious to me glaring at the incubus over the slam to my gracefulness, glanced over at my shoes sitting near the door. They were strappy and black, with three-inch heels. â€Å"Are those what you've been wearing?† She fixed me with a stern, motherly look. â€Å"I know how strong societal pressure can be in making you think you need to fit a certain mold. But walking around in shoes like that all day will do serious damage to your feet. Not only that, they send a message that you have no shame when it comes to – â€Å" The doorbell rang then. None of us moved at first, and then Bastien rose, looking amazed that this night could get any worse. Dana dropped her wardrobe lecture and switched to a medical one. â€Å"You really need to be careful with this. Too much stress will agitate it. â€Å" Bastien returned a moment later with an utterly puzzled Seth, whom I suspected had no idea who had just let him in. Indeed, his bewilderment grew as he scanned Dana and me, no doubt wondering if he had the right house. â€Å"Hi Seth,† I said pointedly, in too loud of a voice, â€Å"thanks for coming to pick me up.† He continued to stare, and then the faintest gleam of understanding showed in his eyes. He'd seen me shape-shift clothes often, but this was the first time he'd ever seen me in another body. Dana looked around expectantly. â€Å"Oh,† I said, my mind still running a little slow from the pot. â€Å"This is, um, Seth. Seth, Dana.† â€Å"Hello,† she said, rising smoothly and shaking his hand. â€Å"Nice to meet you.† â€Å"Um, yeah. You too.† I had a feeling he would bolt if given half a chance. â€Å"Seth is Tabitha's boyfriend,† explained Bastien. â€Å"I imagine they'll want to be on their way now.† â€Å"I'd heard you were single. How long have you two been dating?† she asked, steering us toward casual conversation. Neither of us answered. â€Å"A couple months,† I said at last, wondering if my virtue was once again being assessed. She smiled. â€Å"How nice.† I started feeling those creepy vibes again, and suddenly I did want to leave. I tried to sit up, and she rushed to my side. â€Å"Someone grab her other arm.† When Bastien didn't move, Seth was finally spurred into action. He supported my other side and helped me stand. It was clear, however, that touching me in this body unnerved him, and he tried to manage it while staying as far away from me as possible. Consequently, all of his movements seemed awkward and unnatural, and no doubt Dana thought we were even weirder than before. She and Seth helped me to the car, Bastien following with a pout. When I was situated in the passenger seat, Dana offered a few parting words of instruction to both Seth and me on how to care for the ankle. â€Å"Thanks for the help,† I told her. â€Å"Happy to. Just try to be more careful from now on.† She glanced at her watch. â€Å"Well. I should probably go home myself.† â€Å"Do you have to?† asked Bastien stupidly. â€Å"Er, I mean, no need to feel rushed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Thank you, but no. Bill will wonder what happened to me.† I saw her walk back to her house as Seth pulled out. I also saw the look on Bastien's face. The morning after was not going to be pretty. We were almost in the city when Seth finally spoke. â€Å"Can you†¦uh†¦you know†¦change? This is really weird.† â€Å"Huh?† I had been staring bleary-eyed out the window, intrigued by the blur of city lights. â€Å"Oh. Yeah.† A moment later, I was the Georgina Kincaid he knew. â€Å"Thanks. So, uh†¦I don't suppose I really want to know what was going on back there†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Nope.† I craned my head to look in the backseat. â€Å"You really don't.† â€Å"What are you doing?† â€Å"You don't have any cookies back there do you?† â€Å"Uh†¦no. I'm all out.† I sighed and sank into my seat. â€Å"I am starving. I don't think I can hold on much longer. You sure you don't have any other food?† The ghost of a smile curled his lips. â€Å"Nope. Sorry. You want to stop somewhere?† â€Å"Yes!† He pulled into a Taco Bell drive-thru, looking surprised when I gave him my order. When it came up, he wordlessly handed me my bag of four tacos, two bean burritos, and a tostada. I dove into them before he'd even accelerated away. When we got back to my place, he didn't give me the chance to limp in. He scooped me up effortlessly, almost like O'Neill might have in one of his novels. If not for me being stoned and clinging to a taco, it would have been terribly romantic. â€Å"You think I'm a freak, don't you?† I asked, once I was situated in bed and he sat on its edge. Seth had tended me once before, after a night of heavy drinking. I felt so irresponsible compared to him. â€Å"Well, the tostada was kind of excessive, but I've seen freakier.† â€Å"No†¦you know. I mean†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I hesitated. â€Å"Well, you may not realize this, but I've sort of been smoking†¦some stuff.† â€Å"Yeah. I kind of picked up on that.† â€Å"Oh. Well. Sorry.† I bit into one of the burritos savagely. â€Å"Why are you apologizing?† â€Å"Because†¦well, you don't do this.† â€Å"Do what?† â€Å"Smoke pot. Or drink. Geez, you even avoid caffeine. Don't you think I'm like, I don't know†¦corrupt?† â€Å"Corrupt?† He laughed. â€Å"Hardly. Anyway, you don't think I've ever done any of that?† The idea was just shocking enough to give me pause. I put my gluttony on hold. â€Å"Well†¦I don't know. I just figured, well, no. Either that, or you had some tragic history†¦like you got drunk and hit a mailbox or took off all your clothes in public and now avoid all such vices.† â€Å"That would be tragic. But rest easy, I indulged in plenty of ‘vices' in college. That's why it took me six years to graduate. Well, that and changing my major a few times. In the end, I just decided to abstain altogether. Didn't like myself otherwise. Sobriety's better for writing, and I say too many stupid things when I'm drunk or high.† â€Å"Yeah,† I said uneasily, trying to remember what I'd said tonight. It was kind of a haze. â€Å"So you don't think I'm like†¦I don't know, a shameless lush?† â€Å"Nope. So long as you don't do yourself harm.† He eyed the ankle suspiciously. â€Å"It doesn't matter to me. Honestly, half the reason I like you is because you're so†¦I don't know. You like life.† He looked away from my eyes, amused as his thoughts spun, considering. â€Å"You're fearless. Bold. Not afraid to enjoy yourself. You just go out there and do what you want. I like the whirlwind you exist in. I envy it. It's funny, really.† He smiled. â€Å"I used to think I wanted someone exactly like me, but now I think I'd be bored to death with another version of myself. I'm surprised I don't bore you sometimes.† I gaped. â€Å"Are you kidding? You're the most interesting person I know. Aside from Hugh maybe. But then, he installs breast implants and buys souls. That's a hard combination to beat. But he's not nearly as cute.† Seth's smile increased, and he squeezed my hand. Silence fell between us again, but this time it was kind of cozy. â€Å"Thanks for rescuing me,† I said slowly, â€Å"and for†¦well†¦I mean, I'm sorry about last night. Sorry I shut down.† His face sobered. â€Å"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have – â€Å" â€Å"No,† I said firmly. â€Å"Don't blame yourself. It was me too. My fault too. And really, I was the one who started it. I should have just talked to you about it then. Especially after you made me pancakes this morning. You know, those suddenly sound really good again.† I looked at him meaningfully. â€Å"We shouldn't have done what we did†¦in bed†¦but, at least we did manage to stop. That's worth something.† I nodded, crumpling up the Taco Bell bag and tossing it across the room into my wastebasket. Score. He studied me, eyes warm and affectionate. He sighed and turned pensive again. There apparently was more seriousness to come. â€Å"I'd like to try sleeping together again, but I suppose†¦we should take a break from that. â€Å" I mirrored his sigh. â€Å"Yeah. I suppose.† Remembering something, I cocked my head and gave him a sharp look. â€Å"Hey, hypothetically – and I'm not offering this, so don't get any ideas – would you, like, give up part of your life to sleep with me? Er, but I mean†¦not actually sleep†¦ â€Å" He laughed out loud, the laughter underscored with a wry edge. â€Å"Thetis, I'd give up part of my life to do any number of things with you.† My interest flared. â€Å"Like what?† â€Å"Well†¦isn't it obvious?† I leaned toward him. Maybe I was still high and suffering from weed-induced horniness – and hey, in another reality, shouldn't we have been entitled to make-up sex? – but I suddenly and desperately wanted to hear him articulate what he wanted to do to me. â€Å"Tell me.† He shook his head. â€Å"I can't. You know how I am.† His eyes narrowed intently. â€Å"I could maybe†¦I could maybe write it for you, though.† â€Å"Really? Not in published story form this time?† â€Å"Yes, not in published story form.† â€Å"I'd like that.† I must have looked expectant because he laughed. â€Å"Not tonight, Thetis. Not tonight. I think we both need some sleep.† I was disappointed but could see the wisdom here. Having more time would ensure some good writing, I guessed. Furthermore, it was hard to be too sad when the tension from last night's mishap appeared to be gone. Our rapport and affection had returned, and watching him, I felt my feelings for him practically increase by the second. We chatted a bit more, and then he kissed me lightly on the mouth and rose. I wistfully watched him go, wishing he were staying. Drifting off to sleep, I finally contented myself by thinking about all the things I wanted to do to him. It was a long list, and I was out before even getting through a fraction of it.